Aff Lock Reroll Regret

Got this Aff Lock to level 71 (almost 72) and am regretting investing time into it. I was hoping for a solid/sleeper OP Blitz main but after the nerfs it feels pointless to level.

Should I maybe level a MM or Frost mage instead?


you should stop being insufferable and find a class you truly like and stick with it, you’ll get much further than being a FOTM reroller


I mean that’s rude and unhelpful so you can just leave bye :wave:t2:

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Ignoring the rude guy that replied, I would say anything that is currently meta in AWC is in danger of further nerfs. That’s including Aff and Frost mage. MM barely ever gets nerfed and it’s more fun in BGs and wpvp due to how you can hit from much further away and not be a focus target in BGs. Also a good MM hunter can put up way higher damage numbers than even Aff players. Also MM rapid fire currently hits for like approx 250k+ per shot and aimed shots can hit for 1.8m on clothies if you stack mastery and vers. I have a hunter and always get around 20-30 kills and 0-1 deaths in BGs and top the charts. Sometimes have gotten over 40 kills in a random bg.

Thank you, yeah he was super rude and not helpful at all. Idk why the PvP community is so toxic like that now

it’s the best advice you heard since you started playing the game

besides you’re in the wrong forum so what’d you expect?


One lock spec is always broken so ull be fine


How is it the wrong forum? This is the only competitive PvP forum

It’s wild that people see modest 15% nerfs to something that’s wildly overtuned and think it’s now bad.

Aff is still crazy.


They got nerfed again? Make a shadowpriest, be like a tanky caster perfect for bgs.

I have to agree with the first guy. I’m always going to play my favorite classes which are mage and evoker. Shadow priest has always looked boring to me as well as death Knight and shaman. You’ll never catch me playing these classes no matter how strong they are. Find what you like and don’t chase the fotm.

Womp womp

Just play a class that you think is fun, very simple. If you’re good enough to get high rating then you can probably do it regardless of how strong your class is in any given week.

The nerfs didn’t really do as much as I thought.

Affliction is still S tier and one of the best ranged dps specs in the game.

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I’m sorry Eastghost, you can show them the door but you can’t walk them through it :confused:

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Affliction is still insane :rofl:

I’m not sure which is better for bgs but both mages and hunters are relatively more enjoyable than locks.

By enjoyable i mean more flexible roles in bg settings, locks are very rigid where you mostly only contribute damage in teamfights and not much else outside of that.

still super strong after nerfs…but go on mr fotm player

Rofl ur the one fotming to spriest. This forum is crazy toxic

I don’t play Spriest and this is just the guy I post on… I main disc/hpally and have for a very long time now,… try again Mr fotm

Okay that’s cool but still nothing I said was wrong. Can you just leave my thread if you’re not going to be helpful? Bye :wave:t2: