Aethas Forgives Jaina for Mass Ethnic Murder

You know, I believe that if the writers stepped back from making Calia the new Forsaken leader (as they very clearly intended to do) upon realizing that the fanbase was outright hostile to it, then it’s safe to say that fortunately, Golden Savior Anduin King of the United Alliance Horde and Cosmic Forces will never happen.

They actually will go down the road. Don’t know where you have been during end of SL but they intend to build Daelin and Calia as the new Forsaken queen, with their council.

Otherwise this would be another case of wasted resources and would make the unlockable skin absolutely unnecessary.

What ? It was literally stated in 9.2.5 that all members of the Council hold equal authority. The entirety of this patch was basically the writers making amends for brutalizing the Forsaken’s characterization. Hence why it was so well received by the Forsaken community.

Don’t know what you mean by that. The Dark Ranger skin had nothing to do with Calia.

but they will never appear. They said the horde leaders had equal authority, but Baine is warchief in everything but name. Any time the Horde needs to make a decision, he appears alone or with Mayla to make that decision.


Yes, but that’s not my point. You missing it, actually. Daelin and Calia are a mirror to the Dark Lady and her hound. Of course they will not drop this analogy any time soon. Wasn’t she called the White Lady or something? I don’t remember anymore.

Of course not. But why offering it in this exact quest line, if it has no weight going forward in the lore? It is an important reward, similar how to the night elf skin during their warfront.

Mirrors, mirrors, mirrors everywhere.


To be fair we saw close to nothing of the Horde Council yet. The only time we got to see it function was in Shadows Rising, where they managed to reach an agreement.

Calia and Derek are a very cringe and awkward attempt to mirror Sylvanas and Nathanos yes. Doesn’t mean that they will end up occupying the positions they did. The writers very specifically made Voss say that the times when the Forsaken were ruled by a Queen were over. They closed that door.

Because the Forsaken (and so, the Dark Rangers) will remain relevant in future lore ? I don’t get your point. The Dark Rangers were always very popular, getting an Undead skin was a widely shared fan request and they were even given a representative on the Council through Velonara.


As a dracthyr we’re sent to “meet the council.”
likewise, the vulpera deal only with Warchief Baine “I love the Alliance” Bloodhoof.


Except they were always very outspoken that Calia will not be queen and will not be Forsaken leader.

Because she’s secretly a Dreadlord.

it was just for player’s reading to think that “wow blizzard listened to us said she won’t be queen”
she, like baine, will be queen in everything but name.
the quests revolve around her. she goes to the shadowlands to validate herself as forsaken. faranell doesn’t go despite being the one person that should go. belmont doesn’t go.


Remember when Danuser said Caia went to the Shadowlands to get closure for Arthas?

Whatever happened to that?

Turns out she did nothing in Shadowlands but stand in Oribos the whole time.


i figure they wanted sylvanas to get all of the focus with arthas.


I think way ahead. Remember the Dreadlord plot in Shadowlands. Someone let Mal’Ganis out of his cell in Revendreth. The forshadowing the Dreadlords having infiltrated our organizations. The warning that they could be anyone among us and we would be unaware.

Belmont’s warning that Calia is only tolerated as a temporary shield against Alliance aggression, but one day, she might run out of usefulness, and be disposed, because “We [the Forsaken] are patient” (a throwback line to Varimathras in Legion about Forsaken plans to infiltrate and destroy the Alliance) Anyone who thinks the Forsaken have become wholesome Alliance friendlies is a fool.

they’re not going to make a dreadlord we’re intended to defeat be one of the few female leaders in the game.

belmont praises her during the quest chain, too.

No he doesn’t, praise is the wrong word. there’s no praise, not even from Lillian. There’s just ‘wait and see.’

If you think “I don’t trust her, but I’m willing to give her a small chance.” Is praise…you are wrong.

I understand Dread that you’ve skewed this quest in your head because you wanted blue Forsaken, but you should let that hope die. The Forsaken will never be Alliance friendlies.

Belmont is a huge example, his opinions on Calia suggest he’s just biding time for the Forsaken to not be vulnerable. There’s three people out of five on the Desolate Council, Belmont, Anya, and Faranell, who are still loyal to Sylvanas.

Anya is Sylvanas’ head Dark Ranger, a diehard Loyalist. Faranell, was Sylvanas’s favorite Apothecary (and likely made the serum used to escape Varimathras’ coup) it was once said that Faranell was in love with Sylvanas. And Belmont, the Commander of the Deathstalkers, a long time warhawk, always Sylvanas’s left hand man.

This Desolate Council is stacked with Loyalists, it seems like the Forsaken ‘cleaned house’ with only the Loyal remaining.

Who’s Anya? Isn’t it Belmont, Faranell, Velonara, Voss, and Calia on the Council? Of those, I would say none of them are still loyal to Sylvanas; even if some of them aren’t thrilled with Calia.

Is it Velonara? I don’t remember. I know when you summon the Council, you do a job for Anya. Anya’s mere presence is huge Loyalist flag. She’s patrolling the Forsaken courtyard, kerping an eye on Calia it seems.

Velonara is insignificant. She’s just a Scarlet Crusade plot device.

Velonara is anything but a Sylvanas Loyalist tho, and she’s currently the head of the Dark Rangers. As well as the Dark Ranger representative on the Council.


And yet the Dark Rangers in BFA were given a very specific command from the top. “Play along.”

I could be wrong, but I’m trying to spare anyone’s feelings ahead of time. Don’t get too invested in this temporary situation. The Forsaken have always been hostile and crafty.

Spare yourself some heartbreak, the Forsaken will turn on Calia and the living when the plot no longer wants us to pity them.

Go re-watch the plaguewalk.

No, Dread. You are a muppet who gets lore wildly wrong.