Aethas Forgives Jaina for Mass Ethnic Murder

Oh don’t worry factions wars can still happened it just dosen’t have to be Alliance vs Horde… it could be even between the former factions within themselves, some races or/and a-cross them. (IMO)

Just got to think outside the box I believe and a perfect example of this (IMO): N’zoth Vision about Stormwing remember that in BfA, if Turalyon and its followers of nobles even got a sniff of that Vision what do you think could happened?

Another important information found on Turalyon lover Alleria:
Her Mentor is Locus-Walker

One of her close friends is Lothraxion (close friend apparently) yeah we still unsure of his alliance as of yet.

Aethas Apology could be a goodbye gift to Jaina… on what contex this can turn out we are unsure… but it could also be the start of a Faction War between Dalaran and a NEW starting Faction on Magic with the union of Thalyssra and Lor’themar and its people own Magic oriented cultures?

SOooooo, there is potential for a faction mini-story all over Warcraft but not in a way that would divide permanently the players but help encourage cooperative, were which side you decide its on you and your Characters/Alts not on WoW story, well kind of or I hope… haha :woozy_face:

At least that’s what I like to think and think the game is going forward with and after DF… only time will tell. :person_shrugging: :yum:

This seems like an RP specific problem. I can assure you that regular non-RP players don’t think about the game like that.

Level 15, hidden profile. Whatcha hiding?

(Other than Alliance bias)


EU-player, female, my profile can be linked to three Top 500 PVPers (not me) but sites like pvp fr can be an absolute stalking place.

/me looks confused and then at their PCU RP tag.
Not really. But I will certainly not shy away from telling how things are.

“Alliance bias” is such a funny term to me.

Like… The same people who use the term are also like:
“No one is defending the burning of Teldrassil.”
“Sylvanas is had noble goals.”
“Sylvanas deserves redemption/happy ending”
“The Horde have not been evil since WC3”
“JaInA pUrGeD ThE sUnReAvErS - iT wAs EtHnIc MuRdEr - GeNoCiDe”

Alliance bias… mhm

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People just don’t like it when their get flak from their own row.
Obviously the Burning of Teldrassil was a bad story element, decimating a player race into non-existence. And even now the Night Elves don’t get a rest, with Malfurion getting put on a bus.

Such a unprofessional writing. If I would have known that the writing team environment is this low, then I would have already applied for myself there.

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The saddest part is that when you think about it for a second, there are hundreds of way they could write a war that doesn’t ultimately come down to good vs evil and in which the two parties involved may be arguably right or at least justified.

Actually, the Azerite plot could have been exactly that. But instead of framing it as some sort of cold war over the access to a new, amazingly potent resource, it ended up telling the story of how the Alliance had the sacred duty to prevent such a powerful energy from falling into the wrong hands, that is to say the hands of the Horde.

Ah well.


Yes, clearly, only the Alliance side has unprofessional writing.

Not re-defaulting to Good Race / Evil Race tropes after subverting them, largely through humanizing your Monstrous “Evil” Races thru loosely inspired Non European/Non Christian Cultures? Hell they STILL do this outside of the Meta Narrative for goodness sake. While your increasingly Flawless, Pure, and Innately Good Faction is largely loosely inspired by EuroChristian Fantasy. To the point we’re you’ve driven things to such an extreme that the only way a member of a Horde race can prove themselves not evil is by how submissive and convenient they make themselves for members of innately virtue Incarnate Blue Team.

Eurocentric & Racist Undertones are inherently also unprofessional.


A Good War was like this. It really made a case for the Horde securing Kalimdor. Tyrande was making military moves to intersect the Horde in Silithus. It was a justifiable plan in the face of Alliance’s aggression to cut off her retreat.

Edit: The original plan, to capture Teldrassil. Not the off the fly plan to burn it.

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I don’t know why this post hit me like a brick. It feels like this should be common sense, but it’s so rarely ever brought up.


Plus Stormheim, Plus the Allaince impliciitly rewarding Genn for Stormhiem, plus Anduin bringing Calia to a meeting, who immediately called for a coup against Sylvanas, plus murdering a crapload of miners in Silithus, plus saturating Orgrimmar in spies…


Varian declaring war in wotlk.


Are you sure you understood what I was writing about? Nobody cares about “EuroChristian Fantasy” here but the quality of the outcome and the intention in relation to the overall situation.

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And what was the intent on the Horde side? No means, no motives, only the most forced of opportunity. Not allowed to react to any of the proceeding acts of Alliance aggression leading up to the WoT, because the “Horde HAS to start it”. Hell, they even wrote in a Good War that the ENTIRE HORDE is weaker than just the NEs ALONE if the NEs had either both their leaders on the field at the same time, and/or 90 percent of their military not deterred elsewhere. I kid you not, they wrote this crap, and still forced the Horde to be the motiveless aggressors in another Faction conflict. It was absolutely ridiculous.

The Quality was garbage all around. And the intent I’m most interested in the last 12 years is why Blizz seems so increasingly uncomfortable showing the Alliance in any semblance of negative, aggressive, or antagonistic light; but seems obscenely comfortable doing the same for the Horde? To the point they don’t even consider things like “reasons” for that aggression, or the settup to back it up?


I know and it’s canon. The Horde was never this strong to begin with, it was always a perception problem through the Horde bias, which had nothing to do with the actual strength of the Horde inGame. Jaina alone is able to flood Orgrimmar as well. Most of the known Alliance-heroes are power houses.

Because Anduin is supposed to be the golden child, who leads into the final battle. The comic has shown this, Velen’s vision has shown this. The Horde will be integrated into the Alliance and together the form the true Azeroth army against an upcoming battle with Y’rel/Turalyon and the Void Lords.

The best writing we had was during MoP and Legion. Story-wise you can discredit BfA and SL, they are not really important going forward. The story makes also more sense going from Legion > DF, because it’s the natural progression after the whole world fought against an invasion.

As one of the most hysterical posters from back during BFA, I don’t know if I really like the idea of mental health being used as a cudgel for faction war arguments. Ultimately, these arguments stay in WoW circles.

Yeah for the sake of everyone’s sanity let’s just hope Velen is an old dodderer who bumped his head hard when the Exodar crash-landed.



Trengs pic if anyone is curious


Does that explain why the Alliance has a spaceship in orbit with the power to wipe Orgrimmar of the map, but for some reason doesn’t use it?