Aeonaxx doesn't exist

I’m going there during desolate hours and the stupid thing still hasn’t spawned.

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He does exist.

Took me stupidly long, but I’ve seen him twice in all the time I’ve played the game

I say the same thing about the Love Rocket. The ones I see ingame are creations of my twisted mind…


Just keep waiting and hitting your macro. Watch some Netflix. In time, you, too, will get it.

Oh that guy.

I gave up on him and tlpd when I learned there are discord farmers on 24/7 tagging to sell it.

TLPD and Aoenaxx are among the only real true “rares” in this game.

Current day rares with their 10 minute respawns in the exact same spot are a joke. I feel like they shouldn’t even be called rares.

Just one of those terms that gets watered down over time I guess.


I gave up on them as well because I don’t have time to spend my life sitting in those zones waiting. Wasn’t aware people were selling hits on them. That is rather depressing.

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There is a discord that has farmers that give it away, long forgotten hippogryph too.

Give me a bit to find it, they do all sorts of rare hunting, nice community.

EDIT: Oh! Derp, it’s the secret finding discord. They have rare hunter pet/mount/toys subsections!

Fun guys, lots of tools to get people rare things, both NA and EU.

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That sounds like sh*t. Occassionally just log in to see if he’s up, but I guess there is no chance against that kind of competition especially whem tbey are no doubt abusing cross realm shard hopping to dominate the market.

Really wish realms were locked off still at times.

I thought secrets finding was more of a charity/community discord as opposed to farmer/sellers?

Join secret finding discord, it totally slipped my mind.

They tag and give it away sometimes when they find it and have it.

Or report when it’s up amd where.

Brain hasn’t processed coffee and woke up yet.


Yea, they’re not the seller ones. They’re the good guys.


You people are forgetting about the tusk’s of mannaroth.

No, they just don’t exist. :rofl::sleepy:

Like invincible.

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Ah I felt a surge of nostalgia flow through me. I remember I tried for Aeonaxx when I was a new player in Cataclysm. I barely knew anything and heard rumors about him so just sat around for days waiting for him. Never saw him, but it was enjoyable time for me when the game was all still so mysterious and filled with wonder.

He exists! But wow, be prepared. I recommend not camping him, as others have suggested, but popping in from time to time to check and see. Every day, when you wake up, are doing nothing else, and when you go to bed. And remember to check WM on and WM off phases.

Someone that did it!

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Those two were bad design, it’s not watered down now they realized it was a mistake in the first place

Eh? I have to disagree. It’s refreshing to see some mounts with some degree of rarity and prestige to 'em, rather than just being another tick on the collections meter.

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They don’t even have unique models. The time investment was seriously unhealthy for some different color pixels. Not like camping for them is actually fun

Well, that’s why I advised against camping for them. Check in every day, morning and night, or just whenever you think about it.