Aegis is recruiting!

Hey all,

Aeigs is a relatively new guild that was formed post-launch of BFA. Many of our core members were a part of a larger guild at the start, and after being unable to attend most of the raids due to scheduling and subsequently being passed on for spots due to inconsistency, we decided to leave and make a new home!

Our core members all work full-time jobs and have relatively busy schedules. We have a passion and love for this game in a semi-casual manner. Aegis is a mature and chill group of individuals looking for some steady progression.

Due to being on a very low pop realm-group and forming our guild post launch, our progression through Mythic Uldir has been lackluster at best, being unable to gather a consistent group of like-minded players week to week but we hope to change the outlook for the next raid tier.

We are actively recruiting for the Battle of Dazar’alor raid tier and are in need of primarily Healers and RDPS. We are also welcoming Melee DPS and tanks, but cannot guarantee raid spots for those positions consistently.

Tuesday/Weds/Thursday raids are usually hosted by leadership for easier content. - 6:30pm-8:30pm PST.
Saturday: 11am-2pm PST (Progression)
Sunday: 11am-2pm PST (Progression)

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These guys are actually pretty toxic people. I’d login, preview guild chat, and they’d be extremely rude about players underperforming inside of their community raids openly in guild chat. Instead of trying to reform players and assist them, they’d rather bash on them but still play with them. I made a joke about it and they got really upset, just in general a very toxic environment.

In either case, I would highly recommend looking elsewhere. They are transferring realms soon, probably for the best.

Oh the timing of this post. Too perfect.

Interrupting was a part of our guild for about… 4 days? Before making a dumb joke and members fired back at him lol.

Yes we had some members frustrated trying to progress through some Mythic content with our X-realm community and often discuss frustrations in guild chat as a group since we are essentially the hosts of the raid. If you knew anything about what was going on, you’d know we spoke about it with the group in discord as well while the raid was going on… and the problem raiders were subsequently removed from the community after failing simple mechanics several weeks in a row.

But that’s fine… Go ahead and make whatever assumptions you’d like about Aegis from a small sample size of interactions with us. Enjoy your time joining and leaving guilds on a whim. I’m sure this isn’t a first for you…

What is this guy some SJW, coming in and checking our guild logs to make sure we are behaving! You were not even on raiding, trying to “reform players” yourself. Stick to your one star yelp reviews, you goober!

Realm first raider for 14 years here. I have no life besides WoW. Just wanted to drop in and say this was an interesting read… Interrupting’s attitude is probably why he is guild-less. Looking at his data, he was in their guild for less than 24 hours… probably for the best.

T o x i c

Just read your posts boys, there’s a reason no one wants to raid with you and people leave, just like me. I’m a pretty average raider and it’s likely no one wants to play with you guys cause of your really terrible attitude, once again, just like me. Rage on, you guys will never get anywhere. Serious nerd rage makes me laugh, lol, I can sense the hot pockets and buckets of poop from here.

Server transfer can’t come soon enough, make it happen!

Good luck making friends, have fun pugging next season.

That 4/8H guild looks good on you.

the casual guild I joined for random fun with decent people looks good on me?


Stay salty, and I have plenty of friends and people I pug with. That’s why my progress as a guildless person is greater than your progress as a guild, LOL.