I was thinking and typing a different response, but then I found this.
For TBCC classic, you would need to buy this, I don’t believe your collector’s edition code would work, except another retail account.
I was thinking and typing a different response, but then I found this.
For TBCC classic, you would need to buy this, I don’t believe your collector’s edition code would work, except another retail account.
No, sorry. The Collector’s Edition is a bit unique in that it’s not Battle.net Account Wide. Your pet collection is, but that’s a different system that doesn’t exist on the Classic realms.
Since your Burning Crusade CE key is associated to a different WOW license than the one you use to play with, the Classic realms don’t see it and so don’t offer you the quests for the pet.
If you do end up activating that CE account, you’ll have the option in-game:
Thank you for the response, super bummer but I understand that’s how it worked back in the day as well and was a choice of the devs to keep it that way. As much as the whelp meant to me I can’t justify the extra 15 dollars a month and restarting TBCC. I’m still happy I have had him on my retail account for all these years and regret starting a new license in wotlk now though >>. Thanks again!