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I’ve still got more testing to do, but from what I can tell the changes to trappers are actually not that significant.

I still maintain that several of the weaker NF companions will need buffs to bring them in line with the other three.

You got your own version of the forum history.

Consider the alternate universe where, instead of putting Night Fae’s troops into the toilet, they elevated the other Covenant’s troops to Night Fae’s levels.


so i can advance too quickly and improperly, mostly forgetting about leveling my lower leveled heroes - who ARE those losers? (or now unable to level my new ones), and eventually hit a 4 week wall of killing my guys just to level them?




The trappers are still easily the strongest troops in the game. The only change is they are no longer unintentionally keeping a permanent damage reduction debuff on the target.

It’s still a stackable damage reduction on all enemies allowing you 80% damage reduction every 2nd turn.

The issue is not the strength of the troops, but how the mission table progress currently works.

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Haavi, that is true for the past week until the most recent hotfix they did yesterday. Now trappers are very weak.

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We couldn’t get Necrolord bug fixes with this hotfix? We have four units not working as their tooltip describes at present, two of them being Soulbind Companions, to boot.

Bonesmith Heirmir - Serrated Shoulder Blades currently don’t work, and zero damage is dealt in return, it doesn’t even show up in the combat log as having triggered
Plague Deviser Marileth - Volatile Solvent seems to now hit all enemies, but only increases the damage dealt to one (this is a buff, but still an undocumented change or bug)
Rencissa the Dynamo - Dynamic Fist doesn’t properly cleave to a second target if the initial left target during placement dies
Maldraxxus Plaguesinger - attacks the closest enemy, despite having a ranged attack icon
Maldraxxus Plaguesinger - Plague Song only deals initial hit damage, and no longer deals any damage on the following rounds


Do they not stack now or something else that I’m unaware of?
Because they clearly have a 1 turn cd 20% AoE damage reduction now.

That’s still very good, for comparison the Kyrian equivalent has a 10% damage reduction with positional requirements which can affect a maximum of 3 companions (including itself) with a 2 turn cd, which doesn’t additionally do damage.

It is not an AOE damage reduction now but only apply to the one enemy that they attack. It is a clear notice that before yesterday hotfix, I could still win say 80% of the missions, now I cannot win 90% of missions.

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Oh true? That’s a pretty big nerf then.
Mine are currently still show that they are hitting and debuffing all targets so I wasn’t aware of that change if that is the case.

Dear lord Blizz, seriously?

I knew the nerf would be bad, but just to be safe I got the Venture Plan add-on to check out the missions I have at the table and, and just, wow…

As I said earlier in this thread, I never abused the Night Fae table. All of my companions are levels ranging from 22-24, and the missions I get range from 23-36.

I just took a look at the mission table for the evening, and out of 9 available missions, literally ever single one is now showing as a guaranteed failure. Even the lvl.23 Mission for Pet Charms.

This is why people have trust issues, and emphatically state Blizz is terrible at math.

So, as noted before, I’m now officially done with the Mission Table until they catch a clue and fix this garbage.


Necessary changes that were easily 6 weeks too late. This is a really, really good example of playtesting being dreadful as this is 100% programmatic - they can code their own automated testing for this kind of system.

So yeah, no excuse.


“We prefer buffing under performing specs, not nerfing over performers!”

I mean at least this time they did both, but they still didn’t address the core issue so…

Welcome to the club with the rest of us, where you have to send multiple champions and troops are filler. Your not just supposed to send 1 champion and all troops and expect success.


Yeah i got 1 final campaign left and its for that hound mount and ill NEVER be able to finish it for the mount.

I’m not sure you’re getting the ramifications of the change; it’s not just that “not using the trappers” is the problem, is that there’s a problem with the balancing of the rest of the Night Fae companions.

I noted in an earlier post that even if I use nothing but Companions, all I’m seeing for all missions I have available to me now is “Guaranteed Doom”.

Note that my Companions are all around 22-23 that were eligible for these quests, and while understandable for lvl.36 missions, that was the case also for a lvl.23 mission.

Now does it really make sense that my companions can’t even defeat a same-level mission?

Maybe it does to some, but not to me. So until Blizz gets this garbage balanced properly, I imagine a lot of us will be ignoring the table moving forward.

Edit: Typos


Still just sounds like what everyone else dealt with… a lot of folks had troops that just weren’t worth even fielding, all heroes or nothing in some scenarios.

And here we were needing level 30s for the 20 missions already for weeks and weeks~

I just can’t anymore, it’s too easy.

Like I mentioned way up here now I would be fine with them fixing things, I don’t want people having a broken table just because I did, really… But:

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I was thinking similarly–this seems like an awful lot of effort put into a mostly passive minigame.

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I couldn’t even finish the Kyrian 24 campaign with 38 pelagos and friends. Venthyr was slightly better. Necros seems okay and well night fae was what it was.

If anything the night fae were probably the most balanced out of the bunch. At least you could do missions with them.


Neat; how bout putting XP missions back in so the table isn’t bricked though?