Adoration Abounds—Love is in the Air Has Begun

I bet it is a mistake, probably from an old template they use to write up the announcements.

They do hit kind of hard, but if I remember right it could only be accessed by reaching the level for Cata heroics. This was years ago though, so I could be wrong.

Not sure if it was posted in this thread yet since we were talking about it in 3 different threads at the same time, but apparently there was a 2024 update in a random news article after that 2023 thread and the system was already changed last year:

That’s for the love rocket. The new mount specifically says:

You can still get the love rocket on subsequent kills. We don’t know if that’s possible with the new mount yet.

Well in either case it still means you can only get either mount or probably any other holiday rare reward from any holiday event once per day per account.

The 2024 news article is generic and just talks about holiday boss drops generally and is a change from the 2023 love rocket system.

Well, the thing is, people were getting these mounts on alt kills since the change was made. Thus the confusion.

It is very confusing. I hadn’t seen the 2024 news article until now and thought the 2023 blue post was still how the rocket might work. They definitely should clarify and have better in-game indicators of how it works. The tooltip change is nice, but making the epic chests turn green once you’re no longer eligible for the better drops would be a much clearer indicator that people would actually notice in-game.

Considering how confused people who use the forums are I imagine the ones who don’t are completely oblivious to how they’ve changed holiday event rewards in the past few years. A lot of people are probably farming it on alts, unaware that it’s pointless.


I didn’t get squat but Love Tokens :dracthyr_cry_animated:
Hopefully tomorrow…? :dracthyr_shrug:

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Yeah, I agree. If this is how it’s going to be with only one chance, then at least make it more apparent. Especially when confusion comes into play of people getting these mounts on alts after that change was supposedly made.



Been spamming this trash holiday for 18 years and still haven’t seen the Love Rocket yet…

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Could we please get a blue post clarifiying whether the loot system for the Love Rocket is once per day per account TOTAL, or once per day with the higher chance and then the rest of the runs are the old drop rate? If I do this on more than one toon am I wasting my time?

There is conflicting information about this so would really appreciate crystal-clear clarification in language that leaves absolutely no room for interpretation. K thx

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The shoulders are “meh”.

If there were more pink mogs to match I would get them.

The tool tip says “rarer” items are once a day, one can assume that refers to mounts

And I noticed any other alt is even getting less charms, like 3. Why does this have to be such :poop:

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Because they’re Warbound now.

Regardless, it’s a waste to even run alts now.

this year im getting the big love rocket

Anyone else notice that as of today, you only get one (1) chance at the mounts per day per account. We can no longer farm this dungeon via alt army for the mount. With that being said, you get a flat fourteen (14) tries to achieve either or both mounts this year. GGs Blizz.

so i dont get it for the love rocket its once a day per account or for the new mount once per day per account or both once per day per account

It is likely for all rare holiday event drops now from all holidays.

The 2024 article states it like it’s a change for all holidays going forward:

We’re changing the way the loot system for the holiday boss drops work. We have increased drop rates significantly for the first boss kill on a single account. Only the first attempt on a single account will be eligible to receive the item drop, however. For each subsequent daily attempt on the boss with a single account, the chance for the item to drop will increase and continue to accumulate for each failed attempt.

This change will allow players to spend less time working to earn a specific dropped item while providing an increasing opportunity to get that item during the holiday.

subsequent daily attempt doesnt mean an army of alts daily right

Just the once per day per account chances since there are no other chances.