That exists in retail still to this day. i doubt that will ever be “fixed”. Would not even know how, but that is not my job to find out either
Frankly, they won’t get rid of the arena carries because they just want to sell more lvl 70 boosts! Obviously!
Then perhaps you should provide suggestions on how to improve the leveling experience for everyone instead of asking for the objectively bad leveling process that is boosting.
Good things like the 50% increased XP event for example.
your dreaming if you think that will be possible in the 1st 2 weeks 70-80 this is going to be worse than the classic launch lol
50% xp buff across the board will probably make lowbie dungeons even less of a concern for people. Why bother when you just level past?
How to kill off the old content for good.
And yes, I legitimately do like to pause and get those nice dungeon blues every few levels. Makes your soloing a lot smoother for a while after.
I was never for the boostboostboost because I actually play the game.
What the hell no, this is a stupid as F change, you take away LFD, and now you remove the ability of me to boost my own damn toons, what If i don’t want to group with the average person, what if I prefer my play style. Going foward when I’m tanking with my pally I’ll be asking if people ever complained about boosting, and if they say yes, denying them a group invite, this is uncalled for, and entirely because of a bunch of whiney cry babies that think they are entited to be able to form groups with random stranger.
Sitting /AFK at a dungeon entrance getting boosted is now nostalgic, apparently.
Just LOL.
prove boosting is bad, go ahead prove it. I have no interest in taking 2 hours to run a dungeon at level 20, nor do i have any interest in wasting half a day in the boring zones ive seen a billion times, I’d rather skip said content. This is not a postivie change, this is the worst change possible, and only shows the gross incompitence of the devs. I only hope when Microsoft takes control they reverse these kind of stupid decisions and fire those responsible
The good ideas have already been killed off is the issue, insane you can’t see that! If the original LFD is reinstated I promise you it would result in a natural decline in the need for boosts. I occupy part of the playerbase that plays at a hardcore level (ie a large part of the booster/boostee community) and this is a sentiment that MANY players have agreed with. It would be lovely if there were more diversity in the “Community Council” to open devs to an audience outside of purists.
You want a productive suggestion? Roll out a full time 50% xp boost for the entirety of wrath, not just a three week long event.
Oh noes!!!
I used to boost people for free in stockades. I mean there goes my fun. Sometimes I am just that bored… well not my problem in the end but I guess I will just run laps in shattrath soon.
no this is a change we need to get alot of people behind on, and I’m not the only one pissed, maybe if enough tanks tell the anti boosting people to pound sand you’ll get the picture. You people are literal scum, you whined and cried like a damn 2 year old to get your way, and now you’ve got it, now you deserve to be punished.
Just to be clear, that was going to be Random Dungeon Finder, until certain people got it into their head that it was a bad thing. This is a “throw a dog a bone” attempt to offset the angry mob.
Also, the 50% XP bonus ends at Wrath, it’s not a solution.
You’re getting pretty heated, m’friend.
Since I tank, maybe I too will ask my party members if they liked boosting and if they do, I’ll kick them. Take THAT!
but he’s got a point, they are just a shill for Blizzard, they are as much part of the actual community as any of the devs, aka not one. You don’t see community council members that oppose the direction blizzard says, they are basically PR people who blizzard tried to trick us into thinking where real people with valid opions who gave a damn about the player.
your a warrior tank, no one is going to want you anyway. My alt is a paladin, aka a tank people actually want to run with.
No one turns their nose up at a tank, even if it is a warrior. Besides, I’m a pro at warrior tanking. I don’t need to play a passive faceroll class like paladin.
Meta noob detected.
The reality is that all the tanking classes are effective in Wrath. It’s only the bleeding edge progression where the differences become apparent. How do I know? Because we did it with Warrior tanks back in Wrath, and all the modern meta players say we were noobs back then.
If noobs can do it with a warrior then, the “leet meta players” can do it with a warrior now.
no for dungeons its paladin or bust, with a warrior or druid tank you have to single target, and given how Wrath is the AOE expansion a warrior or druid tank slows it down to 10% of the proper speed, no one is going into wrath so they have to single target mobs cause the warrior has no AOE threat.
I find it interesting that people say they get bored levelling their alts through the same zones and just want to play end game.
It makes me wonder why they need so many alts for end game. Wouldn’t they also get bored doing the same raid on multiple toons?