Adjustments to Dungeon Creature Behavior and Group XP

Where do you get this figure from? I have brutal off pieces on multiple alts from daily spirit towers and occasional bgs. I actually have more honor than I know what to do with at this point.


Nerfing XP gains kills all boosts.

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Oh sorry I forgot to edit that, I meant the paladin gold farming**

Nice, though holy crap they will work day and night to avoid having to pay 1 dude to clap botters/spammers. Kinda makes me think they should finally hire that 1 dude.


Why is it that you want to remove an authentic experience such as boosting from the game simply because you don’t know how to combat the excess amount of gold selling that comes from those who do it?

Boosting for XP has been around, and quite popular, long before wrath of the lich king. Even if you disagree, I’m sure many of us remember watching wow hobb’s videos on boosting SM 10 years ago.

Boosters/Gold sellers will just move on to different methods to do the same thing. You can’t combat gold selling like you “want to” because massive amounts of gold are moved and traded around GDKP’s & Gambling addons already so its hard for you to track it. You practically admitted that this is why you’re making the change in the first place.

I’m all for active efforts to improve the game’s integrity and/or economy. However, removing nostalgic experiences from a game that thrives off and is quite literally marketed as a nostalgic experience is quite absurd. These types of changes are better implemented and reserved for Season of Mastery.

I think that with the addition of fresh start servers you can safely implement this type of system into those servers so that people have the option to enjoy the game one way or the other. I think that even having some non-fresh start realms with this functionality could be healthy as well, but I suppose that’s not the problem you’re trying to solve is it?

At the end of the day, this is likely just so you can sell the inevitable “boost to 70” from the wow store because questing becoming the most viable option to level characters will definitely drive the ‘zoomer’ player base into spending money instead of time.


This is such a wildly unfair accusation against those that are actively dedicating their time in a positive way to try to improve the game and facilitate communication between the player base. Rather than attack others, maybe make some constructive points.


It ends at the release of Wrath.

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I run strats now for personal gold and will boost people if they ask for free as long as they trade me back the vendor gold they grab at the end of the runs. This seems like a heavy handed fix. If it’s the boosting your going for, just nerf the XP. If it’s gold farming bots you’re after, then do a better job surveilling and banning bots. Dungeon farming was my primary gold farm back in OG wrath. If this isn’t done delicately, you’re probably just going to drive more people into buying gold.


Interesting update, will these changes be observed in Classic Era realms too Kaivax?

It’s not like they’re going to do anything about it, but you can report :rofl:

Wrath actually nerfs the gold from older dungeons anyway, though I think SHH remains a viable farm in Wrath.

You can disagree with me pointing it out, but if you say I’m wrong you’re only lying to yourself.

I’m pretty sure Blizzard could publicly sacrifice a goat to the flying spaghetti monster on livestream at this point and you folks would somehow tie that to them trying to coerce people in to buying lvl 70 boosts.

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Yes, yes. I disagree with you, therefore ad hominem.

I’m sure everyone who doesn’t enjoying the leveling process completely enjoys boosting as a concept to deal with said leveling process and wouldn’t rather have a way to level that is both enjoyable and not an AFK simulator.

If you think boosting is fun and engaging, I don’t know what to tell you.


Well in theory… if you play a dk/paladin, exp stop it at like 62 and get crazy gear and enchants, making them invincible … you could still boost strat.

Just in theory though… this is a practise on retail, most of the time with level 10-20 alts who are fully gemmed and are soloing dungeons. I am sure people will find a work around like this.

tldr: We’re tired of people paying each other for boosts instead of buying them from our store so we’re nerfing mob XP. We’re also not going to implement LFD to further stop low level players from being able to group for dungeons.

bunch of money-hungry clowns.


Not at all, but when you can’t find 4 people to run that awful dungeon for your class quests (lookin at you, Sunken Temple) you ask a friend or buy a high level pug for a favor. Because getting ONE person willing to do the thing is a whole lot easier.

Again, bring LFD or a useful group finder tool to actually facilitate real groups now.
Merely gutting boosting doesn’t guarantee people will make groups.

And LFG chat has long been full of boost spam because nobody knows or cares that it is against TOS.


The absolute irony of all the familiar names in here who complain that removing RDF promotes boosting…now in here complaining about boosting being removed because now they can’t do their dungeon/quests as profitably by getting boosted.

Color me absolutely shocked.


Not arguing that boosting is fun or engaging, but a means that clearly a large portion of the player base relies on to reach content they find fun and engaging. This change (along with the removal of the original LFD) alienates a large chunk of the community.


Thank you so much for doing this. This will be a great change !!!


Speaking of “boosting” can you stop letting people sell arena carries. Kind of ruins the ladder when you run into some jobless no life “r1” boosting people to 1850/2k.