Adjustments to Dungeon Creature Behavior and Group XP

You realize a single cast of Polymorph is over 30 seconds, right…?
Some groups like to be methodical and take things one-by-one. There are packs in H SP with 5+ mobs, some of which have fears/mind controls, and CC’ing one or two makes the pack significantly easier. Raising it to 90 or 120 seconds would be trivial for blizzard, still prevent boosting and large AoE packs, and would likely be unnoticeable by regular players.

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Guess you have to play the game now huh


There’s really no need to pretend this isn’t 17 year old content.

For some people the content is new. I never played when it originally came out, and there are many others in a similar boat. Even if it were old to me, it’s still nice to be able to actually utilize my class ability to permanently take out one target in a fight.

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Why do people think this is going to stop RMT? its not, bots will figure out the 30 second timer, or just run 5 man groups like they did for righteous orbs 24 hours a day. It will stop boosting, but they shouldve just cut the XP off. If anything the tanks (who some have busy lives) who were using strat to farm some easy gold for raid day, are going to now RMT instead

Brian and Holly have removed most of my desire to play this now. (And I don’t boost, but I don’t like these nonsense changes that make no sense) #NoChanges #FireBrianandHolly


be gone pest

No fix for sunwell? cool so all the boosters will just farm sunwwell trash now flooding the AH even more

Or they could run dungeons…just saying.

Taking significantly longer, making less gold not to mention the amount of communal gear blizzard boosted alts in game (who are mostly bots who ninja everything then get booted requiring the group to be re-formed). Nah they’ll just play less and you can spend hours like usual finding a tank in LFG. My paladin is going ret to do dailies from now on, less nonsense that way.

revert dungeon changes

So let me get this straight Blizzard.

1.) You left boosting and Solo farming in the game since the beginning of classic. Allowing players to gold cap on multiple characters

2.) You now remove both boosting and Solo farming dungeons from the game with these changes. I fully agree boosting was a problem, but roflstomping old dungeons has been around since vanilla. I have videos of me doing 1 pull SM back in vanilla…

3.) Players who didnt cash in over the past 3-4 years are now basically always behind in gold versus those who did.

4.) We cant run dungeons for our friends anymore with high level characters either since this change guts the xp.

5.) You made it so normal groups are going to struggle horribly with at level dungeons as a group assuming a tank/someone dies, effectively negating entire class tool kits like hunter traps/frost mages etc…

6.) your now forcing all these run sellers into the open world to compete for resources on unlayered mega servers.

7.) Players who come back in Wrath will never catch up gold-wise to players who were allowed to do this for years.

Do you guys even play this game? Like what?

The easiest solution was to just make it so if a player didn’t do X% of damage to a mob, or provide X% of healing during the pull, to make them get no xp. Instead you just trash your own game. I get it you want to sell $60.00 boosts and get people on to Dragonfart, but c’mon man. This is rediculous.

I don’t even have a paladin, and never sold boosts, but this is kind of straight ape thinking… You really need to get the people in charge of classic now off of classic before they ruin Wrath.

Whats next, 10 and 25man raids sharing lockouts in Wrath because too much content?


10 hcar

Went for a Wailing Caverns run with my lvl20 priest an hour ago and only got 3XP per mob just because one of my teammates reached 26. So playing with a 26 is considered a boost run, very well. GENIUS you developers.


RMT sites are a great place to start!

RMT, just wait for the WOW Token, there is a reason they made the XP buff the same icon as the WOW Token lol.

It really is, which is why I switched to a hunter, I can do stuff in the open world without needing other people!

Nope mages can still farm trash there and make all the gold they want! But screw the paladins lol!

Get ready for the posts that say “Get lower level friends or a guild!”

Why would it just be some dungeons? If some dungeons are affected and others aren’t, what do you think the boosty boys next steps are going to be?

A) Give up boosting, or
B) Go to the dungeons without the anti-boosting mechanics

Think real hard about this, I know its a tricky questions, it might take a while to think this one through.

But did you talk about who is tanking it first?
That’s what’s important.

Is the nerf in today?

Can we have the WOW Token now plz!?

Would make sense, since Classic is a different game now