Adjustments to Dungeon Creature Behavior and Group XP

This is an amazing change, don’t listen to the whiny RMTers


So, I’m confused about this post and its clarity. The post states this is to combat dungeon boosting services, well what about solo farms. Why is it a problem if people utilize their classes as designed to farm gold? If you want to kill the boosting just make it a 10 level difference in dungeon yields no exp.

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what a joke. So when are you adding a wow token to wrath? we all know its going there

Can we have the wow token now plz!

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When you think a change is good to stop boosting… and then you try to farm librams and die to stuns during the pull.

I didn’t think DM was apart of the instances being nerfed. I thought it was just going to be the main boosting dungeons.

inb4 some random group wipes in N SHH because their pull took too long?



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Then do that. YOU don’t like leveling. Good for you my dude, no one gives half a damn. This is how the game is, don’t like it don’t play.

Or buy boosts. Idc

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Changes like these happen when blizzard listens to the vocal minority. Who’s excited for a dead WotLK 5 weeks in when no one is able to find dungeon groups?


Hopefully, it would have done a great deal to stop gold farmers and boost selling.

Blizzards only mistake was not nuking this before.


flagged you for insulting, enjoy your ban

You said the R word. Das a bad word.

Wonderful changes overall, but the 30 second window seems a bit short, especially since the experience was also nerfed into the ground. Many on-level groups will spend more than 30 seconds on a pull, especially with Sheeps or Banishes involved. Perhaps up that timer to 90 or 120 seconds, or have Sheep and other single-target CC effects be unaffected by this change?


These nerfs also hit normal people trying to farm gold. Blizzard was given other options that achieved the same thing without wrecking normal players ability to aoe farm and decided to ignore them. GG expect the wow token and paid boosts to follow soon since blizzard is railroading people into playing the game one way and one way only.


Nah you can find other gold farms.

I suspect the type of people that need more than 30 seconds of cc per trash pack wouldn’t have made it through the dungeon anyways.


your other gold farm options are dailies and open world farming. good luck

Nah if you are a tank you can sell tanking services. I know being social is hard…

ty blizz for putting COMMUNITY first and killing all the boosting! now ban gold buyer cheaters

not all of us play on mega servers where this is normal or accepted