Totally fine with this change IF they add RDF.
Will anything be done about paladin gold farming as well? thank you
Yeah RDF because 2 hour queues are awesome.
I mean, the xp nerfs pretty much cover everything
Its subjective, but you did say most people I guess. I for one LOVE leveling, but I get your point, a lot of people don’t. Still, I would rather people farm dungeons regularly in groups for xp than AFK at the computer while they get boosted. At least then they arent having the game played for them, if for no other reason then that it raises the number of groups for levelers…lol.
Have some of the new servers with the 50% buff and some without, you please both sides.
you’d just likely end up with overfull buffed servers and empty unbuffed, because lets face it, most are like done with leveling at this point.
The best decision would be to remove level 70 and 58 boosts alongside getting rid of mage/pally boosting.
I was thinking more of, since mages can’t aoe farm but paladins still can.
I hope they can think of something, like make it you have to do so many attacks to get loot, or just nerf the aoe spots all together
I really don’t think they should nerf either, just the xp.
If people want to solo farm a dungeon they should be able too.
“to me.”…I’ll add that for you. Max level character/profession inflation is bad for the economy as well. People try to be completely self-sufficient, which is odd in a community game, but again, that opinion is also very subjective.
Yeah fair point But what I’m saying is I acknowledge that there are some people that do love leveling I’m not saying everyone hates it but most people do.
Especially when they’re on The 3rd or 4th alt or maybe it’s a If situation where some classes are just a lot more fun to level than others to the individual.
So that’s why I’m saying It would be a lot more accelerated but I think it would be better for the game if they just kept in the 50% buff I’m completely fine with the boosting changes.
But I’m just saying make it better Don’t make it harder I don’t understand why this fallacy exists it’s like oh yeah let’s just make it worse If people are trying to skip it maybe there is a reason.
If they’re looking at the symptom not the cold And that’s my issue Or they could you know make it fun like OK the achievements are coming in what if they gave people the options.
Hey you can level at times 1 or you can have or you can have this 50% Plus experience bonus but if you do it on times 1 you get of ugly cool mount.
And you can’t use the paid boost to skip it they could do something like that you know actually make a creative solution to this problem for those that want to level it you can even go further or people that like hardcore.
Say you can make it to level 80 without dying well you could get a different amount especially if you get it on times 1 you know actually have a creative solution.
Instead of just this flat OK we’re gonna have this 50% experience bonus in at the start but then it’s right back to square one with this idea that this is going to make people to actually want a level in the outside world.
No just more people are just not going to level characters
I like to be self-sufficient. Gives me something to do.
- I reported tons of people for advertising these runs. You did nothing about it.
- There’s nothing wrong with trading gold. What’s wrong is you not putting the token in for players to do it officially while you get the revenue.
- You don’t want people to do dungeon boosting but you put in an 50% XP boost???
Honestly, not being self sufficient is expensive.
because they’re not against tos? they’re still not making them against tos, you still can’t really report people advertising, it just won’t make sense to do them.
I don’t have any issue with the 50% xp boost staying permanent up to level 70 to be honest, because then at least the person is playing the game. AFK boosters though, thats gotta go.
I too already want my games rapidly declining population to decline even further.
While its nice to see them finally doing SOMETHING about the boosting problem, they should remove their paid service for it and done this while Vanilla was out, not two years later.
Also bring back RDF.
Actually, they’re asking for us to report any advertising outside trade chat so they can take actions against those players.
Looks like LFG chat is going to require using the tool in order to post.