Adjustments to Dungeon Creature Behavior and Group XP

I’m fine with this decision, but every post from a community council member is mad shilling like this lmao


The population based on warcraft logs has been consistent through all of tbc’s lifespan. Where is this rapidly declining population you speak of? If anything, there was thousands who quit at the end of vanilla after the announcement of pay to win features and micro transactions with the boost and dark portal pass. Removing pay to win garbage like boosts will only increase subs. But bots pay for so many boosts blizzard doesn’t care if they lose thousands of subs. 40 dollars > 15 dollars and they can make thousands of bots buy them regularly by banning them every couple months, see them buy more, let them farm for a few more months, ban again, cycle continues.

The raiding population

Raiding and arena population, which is most players. What percent of players do you think are not logged to any raid at any time ever and never ran an arena? Most of it is pre-70 alts. lmfao

I level in quite a few different guilds that have plenty of 70s that never touch raids or arenas. You nor me can measure that portion of the population to know if there has been a drastic decline. It also feels like with the increase in GDKPs and number of alts that people have the number of characters/player could be significantly different than in Classic Vanilla.

The population that only levels alts are the people who would quit over the paid boost.

Why would they quit over a paid boost? They just wouldn’t buy the boost and continue playing the way they want to play. Those that would be annoyed by it are ones that want to gatekeep others and feel obligated to buy the boost to maintain their lead over others. Must have more transmute cooldowns than anyone else.

I don’t really even see who would buy the boost this time around except for new players or botters because it seems everyone already has 6 max level characters.

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If you enjoy leveling and play for that reason and don’t raid or pvp, why would you buy the boost? Boosting kills the open world making leveling less enjoyable. Then there is people who quit over the boost in principle, because it’s pay to win features in a subscription mmo. If having to play the game to progress instead of swiping is “gatekeeping”, then I guess opposing purchasing sunwell gear off an in game store would also be “gatekeeping”, right? Because it’s the exact same thing, purchasing progress with the swipe of a credit card.

I agree that it is pay to win, but I believe that Blizz knows that if you aren’t keeping up with the pack at an expansion launch you are perpetually behind or can’t play the full game. The whole 3 weeks after a patch not being able to get a group without current full raid gear meta mentality. Retail in particular is terrible in that regard.

Boost or no boost I think the open world would be way more alive if they would just implement RDF. People would quest while also spamming dungeons as they did back in Wrath. People would learn mechanics and how to play as a member of a group more easily allowing them to perform in raids once at max level.

The gatekeeping that I implied is a mentality that some people have. They don’t want anyone to have a chance to catch up. Even though they used card swiped gold to afk boost a dozen characters, they mad.

Strawman, but buying max current content gear that rivals the next expansions entry gear is nowhere near the same as buying a soon to not be max level character boost that basically feels naked.

Good so tired of seeing these bung cleaver boosters spamming LFG


Ok, just because im REALLY curious… Why does it matter if you can buy a level 70 boost?
Im just asking because I really only play 1 character. So why would people be upset that they can just buy a 70 alt… Rather than boosting in a dung…? Idk.
I see it as “Sure, go ahead and sell boost. You only get 1 an acccount, so use it wisely”
Idk all the rage with Blizz selling boost is just odd to me. Who cares.

I wouldn’t classify AFKing at the instance portal while being XP boosted as running the dungeon.

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Getting my 2nd 70 tonight or tomorrow using the ‘‘buy 58 boost’’ then pay mages meta strat. I was hoping to actually level alts myself next expansion, but since brian does not want that i guess i’ll have to buy more boosts once I save up more gold and once boosters find a way around this update. If only I had dungeon finder, i’d be tempted to actually play the game lol.

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Aside from Alchemy, it’s the only crafting profession where you don’t vendor/shard 99% of what you make. I mean really… runecloth headband x 20 … mailed straight to the enchanter to shard.

I have 4 max-level engineers. It’s the one crafting profession (mining/engie) I would do aside from the usual dual gatherer since you can skill up by making bombs which helps your dps along the way. Skill up tailoring LW or BS while leveling it’s just a gold sink where the stuff you make is worse than level-appropriate AH greens.

Maybe people don’t like seeing a 200% markup to click a button to join raw materials into a crafted item.

They’ll do all this, but won’t just hire a couple GMs.

I have 2 druid tanks, 1 warrior tank, and 1 pally tank. The pally tank is by far the dullest. Consecrate on cooldown, Holy shield on cooldown, Judgment on cooldown. No use tab targeting or active tanking. Loooonng drink after every other pull. And tanking while leveling you gear like a mage, not for mitigation.

They should have servers where boost mechanics work and servers that work correctly where boosting doesn’t work. Separate the chaff from the wheat.

I agree with the anti, and pro crowd segragation idea. We need to have two different versions of classic wotlk. One for the majority, us, and one for the minority, them. Let them have like two reams, that’s all it would take.

I dunno… I find them quite useful.

I’m leveling this toon on Heartseeker right now. I’ve filled in lots of gaps in gear with blacksmithing. One of my alts is a tailor/enchanter. I enchant the stuff I smith, and I also have plenty of bag space.

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