Adjustments to Dungeon Creature Behavior and Group XP

see questing is the slowest way to level, honestly the new leveling meta is a pally tank+priest healer and 3 mages and just go dungeon to dungeon AOE spamming, other classes need not apply.

Aside from “I paid a booster”, how is this different from now?

Brown or Bear is better

No drinking

because if you really wanted to do them you could pay for someone to run you, I once did a gnomer carry for someone to get their quests done, and then an RFK carry cause they wanted to see it, sure they got full carried, but they got to see it and they got to get some of that gear, now that wont happen, its over.

but way worse AOE threat espically at lower levels, once mages get blizzard it’s off to the races, and for holding 8-10 mobs you want a pally not a warrior or bear.


Just play the game!


I play the game to win, not so others can have fun, my version of fun is grouping with the most efficent people i can find that i can also stand to be in a discord with.

I fixed that for ya.


nah, but keep going your stupidity is showing

Says the person who’s mad about boosting and actually admitted to buying gold?

People are lauging at you. Not with you.

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Which you can still do if RDF is in the game.

RDF isn’t comming, they want to force people to play with baddies, because the baddies complained the loudest, like ive said i fully expect that the next blue post will somehow limit forming groups or raids with friends or guilds if you don’t also include random strangers, so that they can encourge inclusivity, this is the way they are going, they are going to listen to the whiners, and try to force the good players to deal with the bad. RDF fixes this, becuase if your bad or low geared i can just vote to kick you, just like i did in OG wrath. If we got a low dps or a freash 80 we could just vote them out and be done with it.

Having a hard time finding people to play with? That’s surprising.

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no plenty of people to play with, but loads of them I dont wish to group with plain and simple and its far easier and faster to boost myself than to take a chance on finding a good group vs a bad group. Why deal with that, when the odds are you’ll get a bad group 4 out of 5 times. Why even have to deal with that, nah its easier and less stressful my way. I’m glad you enjoy getting carried though, and I get it you think we should be forced to have to deal with players of your caliber so your thrilled, but guess what the majorty hate this change, the majority don’t support it. Go read reddit or wowhead comments, go read youtube reply’s, the actual pulse of this community, these changes have very low support. All they had to do was relaunch Wrath in its original state with no changes and it would have been a hit, yet because they listen to people like you who spend all day trolling the forums, now the expanion gets objectivly worse, so congratulations you and your ilk are responsbile for ruining Wrath of the Lich King, same as your ilk is what ruined Retail.

And I am sticking to my guns, with these changes to boosting, i just vendored and sold off all items on account 2, transfered the gold and mats back to account 1 and shut off the sub for it, they just lost permanately that money. That’s one sub gone, and talking to friends, im not the only one doing it.

Mmmmm, booster buyer tears. You love to see it.


Thing is, if we stop complaining about no RDF, they will consider their choice correct. So as much as you dislike having to read it, people need to continue to argue for RDF or we won’t get it in the ICC patch.

Complacency is acceptance. Silence is approval.


Oh I’m going to keep complaining about all of there changes, and I’m gonna keep sending tweets to the wow devs, and emails to the board until they reverse this non sense.

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the time you save with your scenario you spend sitting while the pally drinks…

…playing on kekmane with pally tanks yawn tap done drinking yet not…ok i’ll pull

Terrible take, pallies will be able to aoe farm solo…

How do y’all manage to be so awful and deaf?
You NEED to outright ban these accounts or uh… Is breaking the rules only okay when blizzard makes money on it?