Adjustments to Dungeon Creature Behavior and Group XP

oh I do HR glaive runs all the time, they where pre sold months ago, and the buyer is in the raid, the key is they where presold, if you told me the glaive buyer gets em for free, I’d quit on the spot right then and there, and so would most people.

Yeah at this point I don’t really expect to finish the set and that’s okay… with wrath so close itd suck to get the OH just to replace them at 77.

You mean like having RDF?


You mean like RDF?


The idea of classic was to bring back a game that we all enjoyed playing. Not a version of the game that a few vocal community members wish they had.

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I for one did a ton more dungeons when it came out. By that point there was no need for a dungeon so I just didn’t do them. RDF was introduced and all of a sudden dungeons were enjoyable again…weird RDF made dungeons more enjoyable…


If the summer XP boost was +250% XP/Rep with free boost to 58 for every class(excluding pre-patch DK{keep at 55}) instead of just 50% XP, then I’d be intrigued, since I wouldn’t be wasting much my time leveling through content I’ve already done with every single class.

For example, if leveling was fast like this in TBC Classic:

After like 8-10 quests in HFP (2-4 per faction camp), I am already level 63 or 64 and ready to move on to the next zone. Or I can opt to do a quest or 2, then run both dungeons on HFP and be level 63 or 64 when I come out, It would be more enjoyable because I know I won’t be grinding out the same class/gear/loot over and over. Then I’d have a variety of stuff to do in end game after because I’d sit there and level all my alts to 70 in 2 - 5 weeks.

I could enjoy a 6-10 hour grind from 58-70 for each toon. This would open up the experience for the majority of avg joe players coming back that never did get to enjoy all the classes from OGtbc/OGwrath/OGcata/classicWow/classicTBC due to all the time required to level.

Don’t misinterpret me wrong though I am not asking in any way for Blizzard to provide a real money $$ payment for a boost to level 70, which will likely have a 99.99% of ending up being the only option to level fast. For classic wrath, I do not think its worth real $$ buying a boost to level 70 then slowly leveling/rep grinding to 80 on each toon again either. I won’t play the game if I have to pay any $$ (+ a sub) or be forced to sink a huge amount of time and preparation into leveling + rep grind to do end game content.

Maybe I’m a unique player here, or maybe I am speaking for the the average joe-majority players who are into classic wow. I’ve played this game from O.G. tbc all the way through to beginning of Cata. I’ve played the first wow classic p1-5 & p1/p3/p4 of tbc classic. I can’t say its really worth the hype of the nostalgia in the game leveling wise.

As for grouping, with the social aspect, the new proposed LFG system sounds as promising as it will get. I won’t fret about item level on gear, but keeping it in the game will obviously convolute the ability to form groups via due to the formation of the item level check meta.

You get a small percentage extra XP for being in a party (something like 5% extra?). Example, my friend and I kill a mob and for our level, that mob grants 1000 experience. Each member of the party is granted 500 experience each and an additional 50 experience for being in a group.

Guild growth is another beast entirely. To grow a guild, you need to prove to others that you can succeed and clear content and that the overall attitude of the guild is aligned with those pursuing positions within that community. A guild that can’t clear content because its members want to be carried (lack of proven performance, consuming, appropriate gearing/enchanting/gemming) will struggle to find new members unless those new members are desperate or happy to hit a wall for 6 months without any progress.

Roster boss has been hitting guilds since Classic since members goals within the game are often misaligned (either they just want to clear all the content and take a break or they get their mains in best-in-slot gear and want a change of scenery/pace/guild)

The journey is great, don’t get me wrong. But doing it 10 times gets stale, which is why Cataclysm revamped old worlds, and time. You might have time to level 1 toon but your goals are sorely misaligned with the goals of Joe Bloggs leveling his 10th alt. He’s got alt raiding or professions or farming on his mind whereas you’re experiencing (or re-experiencing) the content for the first time.

Like every game, you have your sweats and you have your casuals and it seems the casuals want the game to be ‘a journey’ when all the sweats are just commuting.

I definitely prefer to raid lead GDKP content on my T6 geared pally tank purely for the buyers - if there’s no buyers and I spend more in consumes and floor than I get back then what reason is there to run the old content? Absolutely agree, goodness of my heart MS>OS runs are great, but you definitely dredge up the bottom feeders who put zero effort in and expect BIS items for their lack of effort.

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There’s little they can do about bots farming dungeons other than banning them. Reducing the gold return in dungeon farming harms real players who do it for their own income. They reduced the vendor value of drops in Dire Maul North to prevent botting and in turn, it was #somechanges’d out of being a source of raw gold for real players.

Go play retail is what I’m getting from what you keep saying. But you like to complain a lot on the forums so unsure.

Spitballing here but what if an enrage timer mechanic were implemented to shut down pally boosts in a similar fashion to how the Snare/Root Immunity timers shut down Mages?

Because they sell for rmt. Don’t even try to argue it

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lol so if trash doesn’t die fast enough it becomes enranged, well that would kill off any dungeon running at all, might as well close down the dungeons entirely, and hope you get the right BoE drops leveling to jump into raids

You’ll notice I added the phrase “in a similar fashion to” implying that it would only activate after a set of conditions are met that would never occur during a normal dungeon run (No 300 mara pulls) unless of course the group is already in the middle of an unavoidable wipe.

It is poor form to reflexively exclude the possibility of a charitable interpretation when discussing disagreements.

nah what it does is removes the ability to farm gold, just because your bad at it imply’s that you think no one else should be allowed to, and to that, i would tell you where to stick it but it violates the forum tos

You literally said you bought gold before in another post. You are a fraud

Yes I did back in 09, and once in TBC, I’ve since switched to farming raw gold in startholme, plain and simple

You should be perma banned


Sounds like you had a stroke there buddy.

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