It’s okay to be single, lazy, and have an attention disorder! Bro don’t worry life will get better I promise… you just have to do things other than play the game.
“My guild can’t fill a Black Temple so clearly this means it is those hardcore players fault…and GDKPS! Yeah that’s why!”
Gdkp is 100% the reason though lmfao
that’s your guild problem. Most don’t have that problem.
Maybe your guild should clear content faster and better than a gdkp, or I dunno…tell mains to stop locking themselves or they’ll be blocked from sunwell.
See those were some good suggestions. This has been productive and only mildly toxic on your part… I’m proud of you, it feels like I finally got you to just do your homework.
I’m not being toxic, you’re being an idiot.
Your guild sounds like it’s being run by a gerbil that gained sentience accidentally.
For real though, but why would I leave a guild mid sunwell as a rogue? That would be stupid.
So, you refuse to do anything about bots and the gold they bring in because they are still paying subscribers at the end of the day and that’s all you care about. But, you’ll punish people who pay for two accounts and like to run an alt through a dungeon for quests, gear and XP from time to time even though they aren’t buying gold, spamming for boosts or breaking any rules in the ToS?
This is the best you can come up with?
If your guild won’t run BT to get you glaives why are you even with them?
And they’re still only half way through SWP after 6 weeks? Doesn’t really sound like a worthwhile investment
gets alot better for everyone leveling in wrath
esp ret if he consistantly has a slow 2H near his level with nice weap damage that will greatly assist his leveling
Thanks for these changes blizzard.
People that protest are just upset they have to spend time to develop a character to do the endgame activity they enjoy. This is not a moba where you pick your new character and jump right in to an even playing field.
Have mainhand already and have only had issues with people not showing for BT the past two weeks.
Going to try changing the BT to a gdkp with glaives HR or potentially what you said to have BT as a requirement.
I’m with this guild because I enjoy the people I’m playing with, plenty of trash players but the good people are worth sticking around for.
well hope they’re up for the challenge of organizing a GDKP because a bad GDKP is dead in the water as people avoid your runs
The BT runs are usually smooth, you’d think a 2x SR would be more popular considering the prospect of getting a free skull of guldan or other item but it seems like the only people that want to come are peoples trash Alts.
because there is no incentive to bring a well geared character to a SR, or risk seeing it go to a boomkin with no enchants.
In a GDKP even if you lose the gear, you gain gold.
That’s the issue for me, the popularity of gdkp has demolished the population of viable pugs for non gdkp. To the point where we might have to turn our run into a gdkp to garner interest for viable candidates.
you try to HR the glaives you’d better be putting in the gold to HR them, otherwise you still wont get anyone going, because glaives along with skull are one of the reasons people go that can’t use it, because they want that payday when it drops.
And GDKP are what encourges people to do those old raids, maybe you don’t remember but back in the day no one ran the old raids after they outgeared them, and no longer needed stuff. Our guild in Wrath had trouble getting us to all go do TOC for the trinkets once we where in ICC because we didn’t want to go back and spend another day raiding old content. This is an issue as old as time, except GDKP fixed it making these things actually ran by geared players.
Yeah we’ve had that discussion. Several people in the guild have pointed out that they attend weekly HR glaive gdkps that are successful so I’m willing to give it a try before trying to pay for them.
the game being 3 months away from ending demolishes the population of viable pugs for SR raids.