Adjustments to Dungeon Creature Behavior and Group XP

Issue every week in my guild, regularly 27-29 sign ups for SWP Tuesday Thursday, had 9 people show up for BT and tried scheduling Friday / Saturday / Monday.

Most people did BT that week… except they did gdkps.

I’m literally saying people do gdkp and guild raids

that is a guild issue not a game issue. we do not have that issue.

I’d say its more like 50% of the entire poulation of tbcc is made up of people who think they were the top 3% of people who played actual tbc"

Then you have a good 40-45% of people that were much younger when they played OG TBC and now that they big bois they act like they think they saw the top 3% of people who played actual tbc playing.

I’ll allow for a small variance on my percentages but you get what I’m saying.

EDIT: I was never, nor ever will be in the top %…in before some clever person points out the truth that I already know…I’m a scrub

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I swear people who complain the most about this stuff don’t actually play, and if they do they’re running 1-2 dungeons and call it a week.

big agree lol.

I definitely play lmfao let me know when you guys are done pontificating to each other for self aggrandizing glory aka jerking circle

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yeah, people have this thing called an alt.

Which is short for “alternate character” which is different from their main character that they play on nights they aren’t playing their main.


‘‘my guild has this issue hence it has to be a game problem’’ thats you rn.

Sounds super casual!

The reality is that MOST people are doing this… which is indicative to me of not having a casual population of players whereas they used to be the majority.

so are casuals lvl 60s who whine on forums all day?

Sorry I can’t hear you over the insecurity of you rerolling lock for tbc.

How was warrior in classic?

Just going to continue making stuff up again? Ok - I’m sorry no one will recruit you to a guild.

A lot of the people I boosted were at work or dads. I do not know if they bought gold, but its not that hard to get enough gold from doing your dailys which only takes an hour or so.
Also when u my boosts in strat u get enough gold every 2 runs to pay for a new one.

People just scream bots, but in reality there arn’t any bots boosting strat. Just terrible farmers who die every other pull. Most of them go in without anyone and just go for the raw gold which this doesn’t effect them at all.

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aight bet ye remove mage boosting, rmt gonna stay gdkps gonna stay, ppl are not gonna lvl couse its boring af, ppl will quit. gz you agreed with a change that damaged the game.

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There’s a difference between doing the same quests over and over again and doing the same dungeons over and over again. Dungeons are done with other people. So there’s a certain freshness to it. It’s like with battlegrounds (to a lesser extent but still) - there’s only four battlegrounds but people still do them, right? Having other people involved makes a repetitive act feel a lot less repetitive.

You also have to take into account that different classes level differently. This mage I leveled in Outland mostly by doing quests, daily PvP objectives, and each dungeon once or twice for quests and maybe a lucky drop. Because mage is a class that excels at killing stuff. I’m doing the same with my hunter right now. But on my (resto) druid, I leveled that guy up solely by healing dungeons. I cannot imagine how painful it would be to try to level that character by solo questing. Maybe if I wasted a lot of gold on greens and respecced feral? But still, I have a friend who plays a ret paladin. He’s having a horrible time leveling. We started leveling his ret and me this mage together, and in the time it took him to kill one mob, I killed like three. And his mana issues are far greater than mine, so he has much more downtime than I do. This is admittedly going to be less of a factor in WotLK than it is right now as player power gets higher across the board and hybrid DPS in particular gets boosted, but what about people who prefer to play tanks/healers? The reason I went resto on my druid instead of feral is because I like druid healing more than druid tanking. Doing dungeons enables me to level by playing the role I want to play, while with questing you’re generally pigeonholed to damage dealing.

You are correct that there are some people who simply do not want to level their characters and will try to avoid it by any means necessary. But I personally do not believe those people are really that numerous. You know how a lot of people who talk about buying gold talk about how they felt they were forced to buy gold to be able to afford to play the game, and how they started buying gold because Blizzard inaction allowed inflation to reach the heights where they feel like they have to to stay competitive? I feel like that’s the case with boosting too. Boosting creates a cycle where people boost because the only alternative is questing, and doing dungeons is not a viable alternative because there’s not enough people running dungeons, so they feel the need to buy boosts instead. Which in turn leads to even less people doing dungeons, and even more people buying boosts. I’m sure you agree with me here, in your own post you more or less stated the same, getting rid of boosting will increase low level dungeon participation to some extent.

I’m in a guild and I raid every week.

Am I crazy or are you accusing me of making stuff up whilst simultaneously making false claims about me?

I got boosts to avoid the worst stretches of leveling.

The 30-58 grind. lol

I’d boost, level for a day or two normally, get bored of that, boost again. I don’t mind outland leveling so I’d usually avoid the SP or SL boosts

And strat boosts were nice to get that AD rep for naxx if I wanted.

Just going off your rants about how no one does content, no one is doing BT unless it’s GDKP, casuals have 8 alts with alchemy to control the AH.

Sorry to hear that your guild sucks and can’t fill a BT but most of us don’t have that problem

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You seem to think everyone has unlimited time to play video games outside of their lives. People have families. What is the difference between paying Blizzard for a boost or paying an in game person with gold to boost you and u can just sit there afk at work? Not everyone can no life every char they want to play to raid on and I get it. I see it in my own guild.

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