so, random dungeon finder is not in the spirit of classic but halving the exp required is?
so, random dungeon finder is not in the spirit of classic but halving the exp required is?
The game IS dead
Many of us ARE the same players.
We have over a decade of experience.
by what metric?
Your delusions?
Imagine being blizzard and having some systemic problems in the game
Like RMT - still after how many years, hasn’t been able to fix it, and the only concession is to make their RMT (Wow Token)
Imagine lamenting to the player base to report spammers, and players having to rely on addons like badboy to at least filter some of the junk, instead of blizzard fixing the issue.
Imagine changing the game fundamentally because players figured out to use features of their skills and talents to make a business out of boosting, and since Blizzard hasn’t fixed the first two issues in game themselves, they decide to make a fundamental change in the game that will be widespread.
I once spent 20 minutes on the hill in AV near the ally bridge R1 blizzarding/frostbite the horde. Imagine if there were diminishing returns on PVP players like blizzard wants to do in dungeons.
I can’t count the number of times that I helped in dungeons being over leveled, and the current xp leveling was noticeable, but now the new method blizzard is creating is you can never run a dungeon in a group that isn’t your level without some sort of major penalty. part of boosting was always guilds helping their members.
but no. Blizzard has to fundamentally break dungeon grinding because they can’t fix RMT’s or spamming in chat, or botting (who rogue hellfire ramparts, and tell me how many 60 rogues are in there) or the other myriad of long standing issues in the game.
this is a lame resolution.
It’s the worst of the players for sure… maximizing efficiency to the point of the game no longer being enjoyable… private servers were so much better than this and classic vanilla.
why would we play worse on purpose?
I like clearing sunwell in a short period of time…it’s fun
That’s not what I’m referring to, I’m saying that the casual population that impacts this game greatly no longer exists. It’s as if the entire population of tbcc is made up of the top 3% of people who played actual tbc… there is no variety.
Most of these people keyboard turn still which is hilarious… the game is not hard yet artificial barriers are placed by the community itself which make it impossible to do anything unless you pay somebody.
there’s plenty of casual people out there
A casual player now is “I have 8 alts all with alchemy and I have a literal factory of professions to destroy the market oh and there’s 1000 more people like me doing the exact same thing”
Oh I just do dailies on all of my 7 characters, it only takes 4-5 hours a day.
“impossible to do anything unless you pay somebody”
such as?
Getting into a raid? - join a guild
Getting into a dungeon? - look in LFG
Leveling? You can still quest and grind
Why should you get experience points when you aren’t killing mobs at intended difficulties?
I’ve encountered five community council members on the forums so far and not a single one of you have cleared SWP. Awesome to have such successful raiders that really get the game represent the community to Blizzard!
The reality is the community council is a bunch of Blizzard parroters who represent the bottom half of the player base, who live on the forum and dont actually populate the world. Figures we keep getting these i’ll informed decisions that benefit purists.
oh so we’re just making stuff up now eh
Running in a guild is harder than it’s ever been, can’t even get people to come to BT on off nights because they’d rather do a gdkp and make money!
dude if you aint good enought to raid be recruited or clear you shouldnt.
What? What are you talking about lmao
Hundreds of guilds are recruiting right now, and most guilds are still running BT.
Not hearing of any issue of not being able to do a BT because people would prefer to to a GDKP on their main amongst guild officer chat on faerlina discord
They should just fix this then. Also as per boosting originally, they had different methods, check out Athene & co’s b0osting method with mob tagging, that lead to a ban however.
i literaly raid in a guild not a gdkp, clear swp1 on raid1 and have my alt rogue at muru on r2. no gdkp. you are basically just lyin. ppl do both gdkp and guild raids.