Adjustments to Dungeon Creature Behavior and Group XP

I guess we will see…but I guarantee there will be no big increase in low level dungeon grouping.

That’s inappropriate.

Sorry, the intention wasn’t that getting boosted was the nostalgic experience but rather doing the boosting. I do think there is a genuine group of players out there that enjoy boosting other players for fun, and obviously, for gold.

I will be the first one to admit that as a kid I loved watching dungeon boost videos and it inspired me to create a death knight just to be able to boost my friends.

That feeling did not go away in TBC, and because of that I have a paladin specifically for that alongside my characters I play for end-game content. Some of my longest friendships were actually formed by doing the boosting I mentioned previously in WOTLK.

Less of these interactions happen now because of how different the player base is, but I still think that boosting qualifies as a nostalgic experience to some. It is surprisingly common to have actually conversations with my boostee’s while I’m doing the content for them.

no this is simple facts, people hate leveling, boosting is popular because people hate the questing in this game, its a joke, and the challange and experince to it is kill that 10,000 murloc maybe that one finally has an eye, or kill that bird mob 10 million times and maybe finally that one has a feather, that is the classic leveling experince, boosting exists because people don’t want to deal with it, boosting was the fix to a broken and boring leveling experince, and blizzard’s fix just ensured that 3% of the population may use the old system. It’s not copium, I only boost my own toons and I let people tag along for free, no what this is is righous indignation at blizzard and the team of incompitent morons running the dev team, I sincerly hope when Microsoft takes over their first move is to escort Brian out the door with secruity and undo his changes.


But levelling and character development should be fun and engaging…and in Classic it’s simply not for many people. Thats not the fault of the process though…its just been done already…many, many times.

I doubt few, even among people that boost, would ever say boosting was fun or engaging. Thats not the issue. They just want don’t want to do the level grind…again. I get it. I don’t boost but I don’t roll alts either…the levelling process in the context of the classic game concept simply isn’t worth w/e endgame fun I may have. Most all of us have done it already too many damned times to milk any more fun out of it. And in the context of the classic game concept I think thats a reasonable attitude.

I think a better design for the Classic game would have been to have opened with a feature that allowed players with a max level character to allow the option for any subsequent characters to start at a much higher (but not max) level. I realize that will sound heretical to many people and I understand that, and for any ‘current content’ game I would agree. But player boosting really never needed to be a thing in Classic.

I think the biggest issues people have with boosting is the spam factor, RMT factor and general shadiness that gets associated with it moreso than any philosophical resistance to ‘skipping to endgame’. I dunno…maybe I’m way off.


no your right, the proper fix is to introduce an offical boost channel where you can advertise boosts in, and make no further changes

Great news, now please for the love of god never open transfers to the fresh servers from the old tainted servers.

Many people won’t want to invest all that time on a fresh server knowing that at any time you could drop the bomb on us and flood the economy with materials from other servers. I would pay extra monthly in exchange for a guarantee that the servers will remain isolated for the entirety of Wrath Classic.


I started leveling way more characters when RDF was added because questing through the same zones makes me want to pluck my eyes out.

Leveling through classic in 2019 was fun, and I really enjoyed the experience…once.

I didn’t want to do it again, then there was mage boosting and for some gold I then had 4 characters.

I’ll probably finish leveling a bunch of characters before wrath - but with these changes I’m not leveling another alt from lvl 1.


You sound like someone who hasnt sat 3 dps full and waited for an hour for a healer then another 30 min for a tank… well took to long healer just left joined a diff group. This is the life of a dps in the current LFD tool on retail.

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Probably not, but it has nowhere to go but up since you’re forcing the boosting centric playerbase to play with others. Chances some portion just won’t play alts anymore, but they were already removed from the to play anyways, and some will choose to level anyways because they want the max level play bad enough.

You could argue that there will be a reduced amount of characters for max level play, but there seems to be a strong correlation between people who boost and them using GDKP to gear up those alts up anyways so I’m not sure if that will impact the typical player trying to get into a pug raid.

There’s a reason there’s a mad rush of players boosting right now.

Because they won’t be making new characters after the change, and what improvement this will have for the game? Other than less chat spam??? probably nothing but negatives.

Touch some grass friend

these same people will be back on the fourms mid wrath to complain that blizzard needs to force people to make alts because they can’t ever get any dungeons or elite quests done anymore, and blizzard needs to find a way to force everyone out in the world. I mean ill advertise carry for a dungeon quest or a class quest, 1000g for a stockades, 10,000 for BFD quests though, because the people now doing it are the same that wanted no boosts, and they deserve to be price gouged for any help

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they could have just given the old world RDF, but noooo that would be too simple


Nope. Just means more boost sales from the cash shop.

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Not to be that guy, but if you don’t like the large part of classic, then maybe its just not for you anymore? Tastes change. I just don’t think it right to punish people who love what classic wow is about because some don’t enjoy it anymore.

Like Ion said, for those that don’t like it, they have retail.

world of warcraft is more than leveling. Endgame is when the game actually begins

considering the game is at max level, I’d say you folks that keep making alts because you like leveling are the ones that don’t enjoy the game. Also this game caters enough to the 3% that think leveling is fun, and that role play. Blizzard is wrecking the game for 3% of the population

They want people out in the open world leveling via quests (as the game was intended to be played). Unlimited boosts would be antithetical to that goal. The boost (their words, not mine) was intended to be a catch-up mechanic for returning players. Have unlimited number of them would make no sense for that use case.

If you want to disregard the leveling stage of the game then please visit retail or play on private servers.

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You can already have an unlimited number of boosts, many TBCC players have no issue with paying multiple subs a month to have multiple boosted characters.

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