Adjustments to Dungeon Creature Behavior and Group XP

But either way those experiences are way more interactive then leveling is are you really gonna try and justify me that Lee tell me that grinding mobs from zone to zone during the same type of quests over and over is really that much fun.

You’re still going through dungeons and still Yeah doing the same type of activities you just have less abilities and less buttons to do it Especially when we’re talking about tbc Is any classic perspectively I mean let’s be real your average rotation is 1 to 2 buttons.

And it’s perspective I’m not saying it’s an insignificant number of people that like to level but I would still argue the people that want to skip that is far Greater.

This fresh character will be 119th max level character for the appropriate expansion since 2004 (across many servers). Further, was able to get those items and “compete” just fine in original Wrath. We were competing for server first 3 drakes and 6 minute Malygos. We missed it by a few hours. You don’t NEED any of that to compete…lol. Just like you don’t HAVE to be an engineer. Thank God I’m a healer…dps and their delusions.

Lets skip half the game to get to the endgame so we have even less to do.

Nothing ruins modern games like modern gamers.


And yet that’s exactly how 90% of people play even TBC Or heck If games in general let me ask you this when people Recruit people for guilds.

Or even pug runs they don’t talk or even think about the type of person they are If it’s always what are your parces what are your logs.

People don’t want to really work together and get through the content If they absolutely don’t have to in fact they will talk to you as little as they possibly can You’re already seeing gear checks for kera and za.

It’s either do you have a ton of gold Nope Do you have extreme gear meaning do you extremely outgear the content that you’re trying to do no then we don’t want you.

So it doesn’t matter if it’s beginning content or end content people like it or not are hardwired to want a speed run stuff I deal with it all the time when I plug heroics as a protection palatin.

They have absolutely no patience If when did that happen well the reality is people have less time than they used to it’s just that simple.

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Congratulations. You finally arrived at my point.

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Thats a lot of terrible guilds…lol. I have a 97 healing parse on Archimonde. Know what it means? Nothing.

Two dps, one has a 80 parse, one has a 90 parse…guess which one kills the boss? Both of them.

Logs in general, unless done on vacuum bosses like say…Patchwerk…shouldnt really be used for much of anything. Crazy how we had such success in original wrath without worrying about vetting people by logs.

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Warriors can address this by dual-wield tanking with dev/cleave spam with a slow 1 hander and fast OH. Long as you geared enough and healers can keep you up it’s insane 2-target threat generation and you have endless rage to pump cleave rage requirement.

Of course seed and other insane AoE will still pull off large packs but that’s why warriors are better suited to group comp with physical dps, especially rogues and enchance shaman who also benefit from shout and provide WF.

Basic addition based on vendor prices for the gear.

Spirit towers gives less than 1k honor, so it would take approaching three weeks of spirit towers daily to get a single s4 neck or ring etc.


Yeah and my point is you’re basically demanding everybody play the game the same way and just sucking it up and say well this sucks but I’m just gonna deal with it instead of actually going to change something for the better.

You just said you don’t like lovely and yet you refuse to want to do something or at least Give feedback and say that this sucks let’s do something about it like that makes no sense.

I say leveling sucks For those that want to do it slowly Give them the option too for those that don’t give them an optional speed up they’re bringing the 50% experience bonusend experience bonus I say bring that in make that permanent but give people the option to turn it on and off what’s wrong with that.

SoM is dead as a doornail, not a single guild has cleared AQ 40 hard mode and what you’re saying wouldn’t fix the economy, it would deflate resource values and actually allow for more gold to stay in the game because less is having to be spent corresponding to the ease at which it is acquired in the present game.

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Weapon and tier gear you buy with arena typically so that should be excluded. Of course you can fill in the gaps with outdated season gear but if you’re aiming for the best then off pieces and trinkets are really the only pieces you must get with honor (though if you’re just getting in the game now with an alt, then yes you will need more honor to catch up quickly, which is reasonable imo). Also trinkets you listed include the 40k one that is totally unnecessary. The blue quality one is only 25 less resil and is like 15 times cheaper. Of course spirit towers in isolation are insufficient but towers only take 5 minutes a day. If you’re only putting in 5 min of course it will take time.

I would agree with you however that’s not the player base that we have anymore like it or not that’s how people Play I can’t tell you how many plug groups or.

Or even gdkps Come with the phrase No logs no invite If or I’ll see people spamming for a tank for a kaera or za And I’ll whisper tank And I don’t even get a reply.

People Are very picky and before you say something we’ll go find a Guild yeah at this point Most skills are established and the ones that aren’t are just waiting till wrath.

And the only type of prep that they’re interested in is maybe doing heroics and that’s all so yeah

It doesn’t do anything to counter them though. As long as some XP is getting through, all it means is the boosters get to charge people for more runs, and the people ignore that character for longer. AFK boosting is precisely not something that takes up the boostee’s time, so making it take longer for them but still possible, means it’ll still happen as much.

These changes aren’t going to convince a player to do quests. Because they’re actively paying someone else to avoid it.

I’ll give you a hint: they wipe on trash.

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But give bonus exp… sounds counter productive. People will buy the boost even if they give a x5 xp boost… todays gamers have 0 patience and FOMO is one hell of a drug

This ends at Wrath Release, so it won’t be part of the 70-80 window. It’s just there to placate people before they open up the boost cap.

Woah folks, settle down. This is so easy to see. 15 years of players talking about how great WotLK was, the golden age of World of Warcraft. Telling the younger generation, yeah you would have loved the game back when Wrath of the Lich king was released. Things were so cool, and DK’s were awesome and the game took effort and the community was great etc etc etc. Again the Golden Age of World of Warcraft, 14.4 million players. The Devs are so sick of hearing about it, So sick of people accusing them of ruining the game after Wrath that they are presented with this rare opportunity. To wet everyones appetite with Classic and TBC Classic and then relaunch Wrath but completely different and so many things changed that there will be no Golden age of World of Warcraft. They listen to progression raiders about Community and gameplay because3 in the past that fueled the community, but the progression raiders are progressing in Retail. THis progression rebirth aren’t the same players that built the game. Some are completely the same arrogant elitest pricks they have always been and will fit in fine when this experiment is gone and forgotten abandonded like the classic servers are now, some are just into the classic content and may become die hards and stick around later, but I wanted and still want that nostalgic feel the game I loved and would play forever if people would just stop screwing around with it. WotLK WoW. Not the new interpretation of it, not whatever the hell the dev’s want now, because that isn’t classic. It’s their latest money grab. Leave the crap alone the4 only good Idea I heard from Blue is an extension of the pre patch, because 2 weeks with Wrath abilities in BC wasn’t long enough. Thanks for reading if you did.

“You think you do, but… woah, wait… look at these subscribers numbers… you really do!”

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Why is it hard for people to use paragraphs?

Wall of text appropriately shows anger.

But sorry anyways.