Adjustments to Delve Great Vault Credit Incoming - October 8

15 minutes… during that WHOLE WEEK

If that is what drawed these ppl to delves they should accept it’s not for them. They’re acting like they’ve been stripped of access to 616 period.


Well players make threads telling others hey do this 8 times that some you can kill him in 2-4 minutes. Obviously, they going to nerf that.

Zekvir’s lair was never meant to be anything more than for mog’s and achievements. It should have never been part of rewarding the GV.


I don’t think people who view delves as just a boring chore are the delve target audience.


Fixed that for you.

And that’s the problem.

Getting a full vault row in less than an hour has never been a thing before and should not be a thing.

Gear requisition from delves needs to be comparable to raid and M+.

In all other content (not counting waiting for a group to form), it takes 90 minutes to 2 hours, sometimes more, to get those three slots.

6 raid bosses: that’s usuall about 90 to 120 minutes if raid is on farm. If you’re going faster than that, you probably don’t need the gear.

8 M+ is 20 minutes per mythic (on average) x 8 is 160 minutes assuming smooth runs. And much worse than 160 minutes if we take in the time it takes to form a group.

8 Zekvirs is like 20 minutes if you’re good.

It wasn’t in line with the other two PvE endgame pillars.


Very well said.


Do you sit around trying to come up with ways to make the game more tedious and less fun? Genuine question.

Woah now…let’s not give mythics more math. They’re barely able to handle the +.


Think imma retire from Delves

Pretty sure that was intended to be the case

So you cant play 2 hrs a week filling 8 slots (13 min avg delve) for a 3/6 Hero piece gear which can also be Tier ?

Vault is a BONUS. Not mandatory, feel free to not fill a single slot and/or not even picking something out of it ever since it is a BONUS and game will still be here.

Then why are you paying the monthly subscription? jeez, go and play the game, next thing people complaining about Zekvir change would be they want their vault filled by just logging in once a week.

Some Delve’s you can do in 5-10 minutes.

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yeah, I was just making it as a worse case scenario on average on the 8 and is still a walk in the park.

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throws rotten tomato at blizzard

You have to complete a Tier 8 Delve with lives left to unlock Zekvir’s Lair (? Difficulty)… you have to clear a Tier 10 Delve with lives left to unlock hard mode Zekvir’s Lair (?? Difficulty).

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Why should people who hate delves be getting highest tier reward from delve vault

Every single post mad about this says they won’t do delves anymore bc of this change… lol


So play something other than an MMO.

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Nerf the content, don’t GUT IT. 13% of the player base currently has the “Nemesis” title. (kill Zek’vir on (?) Difficulty)

Change rewards for (?) To be Vault Champion Track
Change rewards for (??) to be heroic 1/6

The content was never gutted. It’s now configured entirely for it’s intended purpose.

No one should fill out their vault in a single row in less than an hour.