Adjustment Coming for Tome of Unstable Power

Could the typo in the tooltip for Tome of Unstable Power be fixed as well? Currently it is using “too” where it should be “to”.

“Your harmful spells have a chance to create 1 to 3 Arcane Illusions of yourself that channel for 3 sec before unleashing Arcane Barrage at your targets location dealing up too 5324 Arcane damage to all enemies in the area.”

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Lmao, yes 100K DPS added from a trinket is not OP.

Even with this nerf it’s unbelievably op.

It’s basically better than two of any other trinket bar none.

It adds 100K dps overall to my augmentation evoker.


It still is top damage, adds around 100K dps overall for my Aug/healer

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Running Baelel’leros and Tome I get utterly insane damage out of my trinkets as Warlock, like ~60M overall on average.

as if ranged meta wasn’t bad enough they got these incredibly OP trinkets at their disposal too.


Am I the only one who sees the tome doing something different on tournament servers the tome doesn’t summon mirror images but it’s a on CD key press and it summons a rune on the ground for me and my party to stand in to “gain power” and “suffer corruption”

That’s the version of the trinket from seasons 1-3 Azure vault. They changed it in season 4 because they wanted to update some less used / bad trinkets to be more interesting and relevant.

Tournament servers likely weren’t updated yet.

This trinket…I am so sick of AV. I gave up. I think I ran it 40 times and it never dropped. I saw a newly leveled Warlock get one. We are not on speaking terms atm :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s still super OP. Extra 100k DPS for doing nothing.

BG3, D2 the final shape, Helldivers 2 and soon Eldtree expansion are keeping me away from this grind of a trinket.

Depends, it’s a lot of overall but overall ends up being pad when the pack isn’t over until the largest mob in it dies. It’s nowhere near 100k dps though.

Last I looked I thought it was 60-100k. I could be wrong. I’m done farming for it for now. I’m so burnt out on AV. Got the skull at least.

it’s 5% of my overall when I do 750k in a key, if not more. So what, 35-40k?

Then on average it’s bad on bosses, and brings little to no prio.

Interesting. What spec? Maybe it’s spec dependent? I forget the percentages for my current trinkets.

**Can I borrow your tome?

That’s as Shadow in 17-18s.

Gonna need you to unbind it from your account and mail it to me. I’ll give it back. I’ll conjure up some biscuits.

I don’t even use it anymore. As I said it’s mostly padding.

If it kills packs faster /shrug. I haven’t paid attention to it’s boss dmg which is probably poop. I’m only doing 10’s this season so it’s whatever. It sims very high for a FM. It does for you as well I think.

I think Skull and my other trinket are 3%? Have a good one.

**Sorry for the edits. Typing from my phone is brutal.