People were also clearing them as dps and tanks , so your point of healers needing tank brann nerfed is invalid especially as clearing as a healer still takes longer to do than a tank or dps would.
I’ll concede that players with a dismissive attitude towards delves usually don’t have that same attitude towards M+ or raiding (case in point right here), but if they did I don’t see why they wouldn’t be able to clear this content at that gear level. Especially in a healer role, which is the crux of the debate here. But of course, a 590 healer in heroic would probably be considered a ‘carry’, right? Even if they’re the same skilled player that was clearing T11 delves week one?
Killing time at work. I swear it’s hilarious refuting the same weak points by multiple
It’s pretty clear there are tantrums.
Not really. I don’t get upset over the forums. Just pointing out the obvious.
Not at 590 ilvl.
No one is taking a 590 to a heroic raid or mplus unless they bought a carry.
590 was considered undergeared even in season 1
Yeah like a tank clearing T11 at 600 ilvl is really any different… And they will still do it faster than a healer will.
I’m just going to stop playing heal spec, honestly. Maybe sit S2 out until the next .5 and catchup gear comes along and play “The Heroes Journey” EQ emu server. At least there you can solo things and the devs actually care.
Idk what to tell ya take it up with Blizzard.
Solo content has always favored tanks.
Disc priests: Am’I a joke to you?
Ok cool… so by some of the logic I’m seeing . Clearing content 25 ilvls higher than you = ok.
(I peeked at some logs for a certain someone… I see a ilvl 630 in some heroic kills!)
Delves drop 639 gear at the highest so ilvl 614 heals should be able to clear T11.
Its mostly just Champion Gear anyway. My ilvl barely moved this week.
You can’t claim 1 needs a nerf and the other is fine because that’s how it’s always been… If one requires a nerf both should be plain and simple.
Yeah honestly thinking on it the changes make even less sense…
They think healers are spending too much time healing him…
Do we hear that correctly Blizzard? Your decision maker on this is a potato?
I agree with nerfing both.
There are likely not a bunch of healers at 590 clearing 11s. You keep citing this as a fact because a few people said things like this on the forums. People can say anything on forums. Those who actually did were likely cheesing with mind control.
Healing Brann in an 11 at 630 ish is more of a challenge than tanking an 11 with dps Brann.
Just like with MM Hunter’s Pet. They were trying to eliminate it in PTR for 11.1 patch. Good thing, I fought for it. If not, MM Hunter would have no more Pet/s.
I’m honestly in the same position. I play healer and tank in another MMO but knew it was a total crap show in this game so I swerved it. Then became curious and wanted to try it out after doing some delves, getting some gear, and getting some prio down and some muscle memory. Now? Nah, shelving it and just staying on my Mage until my sub runs out. I didn’t go super hard into the healer stuff until later in the week because I wasn’t expecting this to have happened.
This feels like heavy changes and doesn’t match what has been said in previous interviews and ideals talks about in them. like stated in the past these aren’t raids or m+ it’s getting these kind of changes and it doesn’t make sense. I never reply or even post on the forums but this change is stupid enough i wanted to…
There’s been multiple in this thread.
Actually I saying it because blizzard nerfed bran by that much for that reason. If people weren’t doing it they wouldn’t have nerfed him so hard.
Just don’t nerf his health and make him take increased damage
It’s baffling. So he essentially has two DPS specs now one just demonstrably worse than the other.