Adjusting Tank Brann - March 11

wild they didnt fix him pulling the entire zone in some delves but nerfed him for no reason. No his dmg sucks as tank and he can barely survive so the delve takes like 45mins


For context, I am playing on a MW and a HPriest.

I am not really ignoring mechanics as I am doing interupts/stuns when I can and taking small pulls. The issue’s more stem from the AI of Brann and the actions he does/doesn’t do. He stands in bad, he pulls random mobs when I am not ready and things like that. And because he does that, he needs extra healing, and not all MW skills/heals are actually effecting Brann which becomes a challenge of having to focus more on healing rather than doing damage.

Now add in the 60% damage increase, and 20% health decrease, and still have the horrible AI. That just means it’s going to be even more healing intensive because not all the skills work and function the way they should.

While I can see some nerfs being a good, they should address the issues in order to tune better.


One thing is blatantly obvious, and that is you are most certainly not here to speak to the topic at hand. You’re clearly here to troll. Maybe you should actually work at your job instead of slacking off leaving your coworkers to rot.


Right? What kind of pointless job must one have to be able to spend hours trolling the wow forums instead of work? Sounds like a candidate for some DOGE efficiency reductions.


Has anyone tried healing tank brann since the change?

Yet we keep interacting with them, which is exactly what they are here for lol.

Just want to reiterate-- one of our main goals in introducing Brann’s Tank specialization is to make it fun to successfully run Delves as a healer specialization that focuses on healing Brann.

The issue in the first week of Season 2 was that healer + Tank Brann was too effective compared to every other combination of player role and Brann specialization.

As we developed today’s changes, we did solo Healer testing to make sure it’s an enjoyable experience. We’ll continue to test and look for more tuning opportunities, with our goals in mind, in the future.


Not yet, I am at work but will try one later tonight and see how it feels.

Yet I’m commenting on the topic.

Stating facts and having a different opinion isn’t trolling.

I work by myself. My company bills by the hour so if I finish a job in 15 minutes, I have 45 minutes of downtime. I’m not slacking off at work. I’m just good at my job.

Kind of like how tank specialization was the most effective way to run delves last season? And continues to be the case now with these nerfs?

Thanks for fixing that I guess.


Dang even the blues saying healers still can do delves easy

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Actually, I work blue color

And I just want to reiterate the community expects Blizzard polish.

(I see theres no comment on the terrible AI)


Are blue collar workers exempt from the expectation that they work while they’re being paid?

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This change is so stupid, I sincerely doubt any of you actually tested it.

Why does EVERYTHING have to be a damn slog in this game?


Do you legit spend your entire work day doing absolutely nothing but work?

No talking to other people, no taking a breather?

Just straight work the entire time

You’re a troll, and a bad one at that. Go away.


No, but I also don’t spend all morning trolling forums topics that I say I don’t care about. Dude has been in here trolling for hours.

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I’m honestly at a loss for that, it’s just so stupid.

Imagine that your boss says people are spending too much time commuting to work, so they’re moving their office further away.


I mean that doesn’t sound super far fetched nowadays lol