Adjusting Tank Brann - March 11

For me, it’s going back to what I did in S1, which is…just never doing delves. I guess it was fun for a week. /shrug


Ok and? That’s how it should be.

Are you on live now?

nobody cares, and I’m confused as to why you care about delves when your a CE player stay in your own lane…


If delve stops being fun, I’ll stop subscribing and go play monster hunter. Haven’t tried that game series, but I don’t believe wow is the only game out there…


Nope. You’re confusing not really caring to blind faith. Nothing is going to change their mind.

You really shouldn’t talk about anyone’s intelligence. I never said you were throwing a tantrum. But there’s plenty of examples of people in this thread throwing them.

So why not put in a hard cap on entering T11s if someone is “too low”? Why only focus on nerfing Healers? Seems to be silly that only Healers get punished for doing things “too low” while Tanks and DPS can continue to enter at whatever item level they want.


You clearly care enough to comment.

You are assuming I do care about delves.

And nah I’ll continue to post on the forums.

Bann the brann

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Because it’s only healers that were clearing them in 590 gear which is why bran was nerfed.

The other issue is you have dps using him as a tank when he’s designed to be with a healer.

Tanks and dps are not clearing t11 selves unless they got carried by friends through it.

I cleared t11 on my fury warrior with healer brann at 603 ilvl…so maybe its a skill issue for you


i care enough to tell you that your the only one who give a flying f about your CE achievement.

you clearly care enough to comment Hur Dur…

ill continue to tell you that your nobody else cares about what you think


lol it’s not a skill issue for me.

You clearly aren’t even following the conversation

Point being how are they supposed to be doing them most of the season at T11 for crests to upgrade if they are also meant to be slowly progressed through???


That’s cool. I don’t care if people care.

Killing time at work and pointing out why he was nerfed doesn’t mean I care.

And I’ll continue to assume you aren’t smart enough for this conversation

That’s the trade off of staying in solo content.

The issue you’re clearing not getting is that it’s not an issue of people clearing t11s.

It’s the fact they are doing it as healers in 590 gear.

i guess we found out why your a CE raider…


Ah, so now it’s ‘I don’t really care,’ but you’ve been here arguing the whole time? Interesting. If you truly didn’t care, you wouldn’t feel the need to respond.

I can see a lot of people sharing their thoughts, some perhaps are “tantrums”, but I don’t think that’s a distinction we should make.

Touched a nerve, huh? Funny how pointing out flawed reasoning suddenly turns into “you shouldn’t talk about intelligence.” If you’re feeling called out, that’s on you. At this point, you’re not debating in good faith, just moving goalposts to avoid admitting your logic is flawed. Thanks for playing.

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They’re not even a good troll


Because I’m not bad at the game?

I work blue collar lol. I’m on my phone not a pc.