No clue on what you are talking about.
Sometimes I let the trolls know when I block them, sometimes I’m just annoyed with them and don’t even bother. Either way, I’m doing the same: making my forum experience better by removing one troll at a time.
Had someone argue with me after i took a screenshot of my character list (before warbands) with the Realm visble.
Still got the “that could be anyones picture from the internet that was photoshopped”
obviously mate. im just calling out the warlock, no need for you to fuss. people who refuse to admit their mistakes are my pet peeve.
Sometimes as you leave pacifist rig Brann vanishes for a second and re-appears. When that happens he turns into DPS Brann temporarily if you had tank or healer Brann. He re-gains his other abilities after you leave combat but I think may be in a weird state where he has some aspects of multiple roles.
On the last boss in Earthcrawl, Mechasaurs summoned once, but they wouldn’t attack the boss and just stood by Brann the entire time. Possibly related to the other bug mentioned above?
Ah, I see it now in the hotfix list. That won’t fix things like Hyena adds I don’t think but probably covers a number of things that were doing too much damage to him before. They also mentioned fixing the mechasaurs summoning extras (but not fixing Brann sometimes not summoning eggs at all or them refusing to attack anything).
I see them (the hidden responses) but never peak… if I want to see garbage, I can look in my trash can.
I never take people off ignore - leopards never change their spots
The improvements I’d like to see is only one character per account can post. That way people can’t hop on alts to like their own posts or pretend they are someone supporting or arguing and continue with the drama queen antics…but they are usually not hard to figure out.
I also wish they’d make it easier to ignore private profiles. There is a work around but it takes a bit more clicks.
No where have I fussed at you, nowhere but please do continue down that path.
I always let them know. I also invite them to reply as much as they want and say what they want, because I’ll never ever see it.
it’s completely insane how some people are incapable of saying “oh, my bad”
Its also funny how mad they still are
They will always nerf content that is pulling players away from “star” content that they feel all players should be in, in one way or the other. If Delves ever become so good they threated to kill off the desire of enough people to run Mythic + (their answer mainly to get people to constantly run dungeons over and over again.
You bet you they will nuke what ever toys in Delves that make it the easier or better way to gain gear or if it faster. I.E. they lose too many healers to Delves from Mythic + they simply make a healers life hell in Delves and force them back into Mythic +.
this thread became much easier to read when I added the conspicuous few to the ignore list.
Yep i left right away, I am not a healer tank, and tank brann didn’t hold agro and died and i had no heals left to give him. I might unsub now, what else is there to do now?
I’m just gonna link the more recent updates to Brann and hopefully direct the feedback to where it’s more relevant to be seen.
There’s some positive changes here I’m happy to see.
Yup all varients of Brann tank the floor less often lol
The Delve boss was supposed to be this, yes. All of the pre-expansion positioning on Delves talked about it being a bit of casual content that you could jump into if you didn’t have time for a full dungeon or raid, etc. Every interview talked about it like it would be a quick, 15 minute thing.
It could have been that AND challenging, but since they decided that the only important Delve mechanic is white hit damage from mobs, it’s kinda this slow, sloggy thing where you pull the minimum amount possible like a Cataclysm heroic. Unless you’re playing a tank, of course.
Am aware, and explaining that workaround ANNOYS THEM TO HIGH HEAVENS, btw. Last few times I’ve done it, they’ve reported my explanation until it was “flagged for trolling” (until it eventually got overturned by a forum mod).
Honestly I’m not really a delve person, like I’ve been slow this season but I prefer M+ and raiding with my guildies.
But tier 11s with dps brann felt fine. Much less annoying than keeping him up and he could burst some high damage. I see that they changed him a bit yesterday but I honestly doubt I won’t just stay dps brann. People who enjoy Delves more might have a more optimal way to do it, but i’m just there for w/e.
At this point I assume the nearly 4000 posts are not enough to convince Blizz to look at the tuning.
For funsies, I went in the same level as before as prot instead of holy. I know nothing about prot; I literally have not played it with any seriousness since Wrath. I just grabbed a talent build from wowhead, took like 30 seconds to put stuff on my bars, and it was infinitely easier.
I think I give up.
Brann dies nearly every other pull once you solo at 8+