Again some do solo content simply because they CAN’T do M+ , either because they refuse to hold people back or because the toxic nature of people in M+ will just kick them because they CAN’T play at those higher levels
It’s only a problem to you saying they shouldn’t have the gear in the first place. Solo players aren’t complaining they can’t upgrade every last piece if they missed a few weeks of getting the max number of crests.
Again their gear maxes out below anything a M+ or raider will get , you don’t get to sit and cry it’s too easy when many solo players will struggle at the higher levels. I struggled in 8s in S1 and would take 30-40 min to clear a delve due to my own disabilities. Many of the nerfs put in place are not because of solo players but someone used to higher difficulty and cheesing the scaling of a max level Brann with a lower level gear level.
The only rational explanation i can come too, based on his limited achievements is that he’s not the best healer and caught some flak for it in a group setting.
Thus the vendetta and why he claims the only fun a healer can have is in solo content
Right because healers enjoy being blamed for anything / everything? I’d say a large number of people only run M+ simply to keep running that treadmill of gear grinding , if they had alternatives they would ignore M+ all together.
I’ve already written all of them off a while ago (months ago in Snozay’s case, days ago in the cases of the other two), but am thankful for the forums’ permanent ignore feature to apply to them.
That said, one thing I do wish the forums would improve upon is actually just completely removing them when blocked. I don’t need a “show hidden reply” like between my last post and this one lol.