Adjusting Tank Brann - March 11

Lol, this story is another one I don’t like from this place. But dominate mind on Darkcaster is chef’s kiss.

Yeah, my Brann has 72% now instead of 60%… thank goodness. Need to see does Guardian Spirit works on him at 0% now.

Explains why my Flash Heal healed him for almost 4m from a crit I guess.

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And how many chances do you get by running M+???

Again some do solo content simply because they CAN’T do M+ , either because they refuse to hold people back or because the toxic nature of people in M+ will just kick them because they CAN’T play at those higher levels

It’s only a problem to you saying they shouldn’t have the gear in the first place. Solo players aren’t complaining they can’t upgrade every last piece if they missed a few weeks of getting the max number of crests.

Again their gear maxes out below anything a M+ or raider will get , you don’t get to sit and cry it’s too easy when many solo players will struggle at the higher levels. I struggled in 8s in S1 and would take 30-40 min to clear a delve due to my own disabilities. Many of the nerfs put in place are not because of solo players but someone used to higher difficulty and cheesing the scaling of a max level Brann with a lower level gear level.


The only rational explanation i can come too, based on his limited achievements is that he’s not the best healer and caught some flak for it in a group setting.

Thus the vendetta and why he claims the only fun a healer can have is in solo content

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You are feeding the troll’s HPD. This what he is looking for and he is eating it up.




Doesnt change the facts

Hes never said this. But you like to keep pushing it any way.

Nope. Majority of the players in both raid and m+ do not see mythic track level gear.

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Depends on rng. I can get nothing. Or I can get one piece.

You still aren’t making a point.

Mplus is still harder than delves.

If they can’t do the content that awards hero track gear then they don’t deserve hero track gear period.

I’m saying they need to put in equal effort and they currently are not.

Literally irrelevant and not part of the point I’m making.

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Which one is he feeding? Grizzle, Snozay, Ickiss, or some other one?

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Right because healers enjoy being blamed for anything / everything? I’d say a large number of people only run M+ simply to keep running that treadmill of gear grinding , if they had alternatives they would ignore M+ all together.

2 of the 3 yes.
1 I’m still on the fence about but leaning towards yes… time will tell

You forumites need to get together and decide which one takes all the blame. Tanks or healers.

Ive had runs go sideways as both tank and healer and never been the blame of it.

They do have alternatives and yet m+ still has particiaption.

YOU would ignore m+ altogether

I’ve already written all of them off a while ago (months ago in Snozay’s case, days ago in the cases of the other two), but am thankful for the forums’ permanent ignore feature to apply to them.


just curious, are you planning on apologizing to the two players you disparaged who proved you wrong?

That would involve admittance of being wrong. Cant be having that.


pardon me for expecting someone who demanded receipts to have some integrity.


That said, one thing I do wish the forums would improve upon is actually just completely removing them when blocked. I don’t need a “show hidden reply” like between my last post and this one lol.


ask your friend when he’s going to apologize to the players who he called a liar.

Video proof isnt good enough. That could be anyone!!!

I’ve been using that feature now for about the last 6 months. I just tell people I’m improving my wow forum experience one less troll at a time. :smiley:


feats of strength are ALWAYS account bound on EVERY CHARACTER and ANYONE can pretend to be ANYONE

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