They did do some minor changes yesterday. I’m not sure if they’re enough or not (haven’t bothered with tank Brann other than one test since this disaster, might give it another shot next week when there’s something in it for me other than being Blizzard’s beta tester), but they are at least paying attention.
Ran some t10s on my 648 disc priest last night and didnt really have any issues (other than that damn treasure wraith)
That rare is particularly annoying, lol.
This nerf was too severe. I ran Excavation Site 9 last night and it was awful. Shifting focus away from constant healing for just a tad too long creates a panic situation where Brann is nearly down for the count before you can recover. Further, you have to burn everything just to keep him alive during the Underpin Minion battles. This change doesn’t create a satisfying progression, but instead creates frustration. I think you under-shot the mark here.
This has been my experience as well. If not full on death, at least a panic situation trying to recover before disaster. When that happens with every other group of mobs it’s not fun. It’s frustrating.
I swear the lead dev for the delve companion system probably just has bottle of whiskey and a short rope in their desk drawer.
We were gonna get different companions. Thats out.
All the relics were reset because there were basically only 2 relics people used. And we have been on ez build and bioprinter since basically day 1 of season 2.
DPS Brann used to actually be useful, but nerfed so hard that really the only reason to take brann was curios and potions, occasionally his dispel. So healer brann was the only choice.
Now we finally get a brann that can actually do damage again, and he is nerfed again immediatly.
On top of that, the AI seems to actually be worse than last season, so sick and tired of hearing “DUUNT STAN THARRRE” .02 seconds before brann is downed.
Or brann’s dumb0$$ just throws potions at you before combat actually starts, then refuses to heal you or throw potions until welllllll after emergency supplies saves you. If at all.
Or he ignores you, and pulls half the delve and gets you killed.
I could probably beat this dead horse with all the annoyances, and problems with brann until you could spread the pulverized remains of the horse on toast for breakfast.
But the fact you think nerfing tank brann is going to lead more diversity? Nope. Just going to lead to people using Healer brann with bioprinter and ezbuild.
honestly i thought most people had snozay on ignore.
When I realized it registered damage from AOEs I thought maybe I could make the wraith pop out before opening the chest, but I think it’s just a bug.