This is lots of recode for changes that will be undone later on.
bag, and void storage (retail checks this too), scans tie into stuff that comes later on. recode now, remove later.
versatility comes at some point. WoD, says google. cata is basically almost over. this would be recode for 1 run…MoP.
And since they broke final cata code to the point they can’t put lfr back in I will be honest here. I don’t think they can retouch that code and not break crap.
Most immediate bug hunt I’d see is in the group loot setup mop brings to the table.
Well, that’s fine then. Blizzard should just enforce penalties on players who are reported for engaging in such exploitative behavior.
The code was broken during the beta phase, and it took a considerable amount of time to fix the extra action button that was disrupted when retail transmog was added and multiple guild perks were removed. LFR was likely broken when they attempted to convert it to 10-man. However, the developers had previously stated that they had no intention of adding LFR to Cataclysm. At least the developers finally kept their word on something they mentioned in an interview.
Everyone should know this person is a troll that cant even adhere and stay true to the requirements that they put on others.
Basically if you dont join a random dungeon with some arbitrary rule set that changes depending on the side of the bed they wake up on, they will attempt to kick you. Truthfully they should have the kick ability removed from their account.
doesnt this get fixed in mop? really no point to fix it when it auto fixes itself
No, it doesn’t. They did add a fix for it in WoD, which is why I don’t understand why they can’t just add it early. Considering they added retail xmog and took out guild perks from MoP.
Wod also added versatility, which also fixed some of your issues.
A pvp’er on a class with versa as top 3 stat priority…was good to go for even pve short of raid. Hell in LFR I was coming in with better gear than the actual lfr drops in SL lol. I was there for memories to make legos really.
I know in in retail i’ve had frost dk off spec tank shorthanded quite a few times in heroic dungoen.
PVP verse gear head to toe, verse enchants…all good.
we can play slippery slope here. I…actually like versatility. lets get that too, earlier.
This post is about how PvP gear should not be usable to queue for PvE content. By reducing the item level of PvP gear when not in instanced PvP, it would prevent players from queuing for PvE content with PvP gear equipped.
How is this any different from people queuing up for rated pvp in full pve gear?
there is a better chance that dude in the pvp gear has paid for bis enchants over a carebear.
See pvp’ers don’t play save money games. we get out money’s worth from a 6K enchant. We enchant baseline, weeks of grind for rated gear.
A carebear is likely to go…nah. I am one drop away from the pants I want. Which I get. who wants to pay 5K on the legs form heroic dungeon and 1 day later. another 5k on the raid dropped legs.
also pvp’ers know what a cc is. We have these as vital as dps casts. Take the good with the bad there.
Full bis pvp enchant hunter who knows tranq shot exists. or the pve geared hunter who doesn’t even have it on the bar. I’d take the pvp hunter, unless you like hitting enrage targets anyway.