Addressing Population Concerns in WoW Classic

“When Lord Kazzak is up and guilds are racing to defeat him, there needs to only be one Lord Kazzak.”
-Ion Hazzikostas, 3 Nov 2018


The reason creation/transfer restrictions aren’t working is because they are long term solutions that needed to be in from the start, not after that ship done sank. Players warned you about growing population problems and suggested these solutions for many months. You did nothing and actually kept allowing transfers to majority factions or full realms (allowing it to get worse). You were happy to cash that 25$, nevermind the fact that his destination faction was already 75+ or it was “full”. Now the bubble finally burst and you’re putting in “too little too late” fixes that needed to be in many months ago.

You let the problems get so bad for realms that only layering is going to have a fast enough result to get them back out. But while queues can eventually be fixed; the faction imbalances probably can’t. Realms with 90/10 splits are probably just screwed forever. Even if you offer them free transfers to the opposing minority realm; no one is going to take it because they’d rather be 90% as opposed to 10%. You sat back while 1 side kept getting bigger, the other smaller (cashing 25$ each time), and did NOTHING about it. Again, this needed to be addressed early on before the ratios got completely beyond repair. Good luck trying to convince someone to roll on a 10% faction PVP realm, or leave a 90% one, at this point in time.


What is temporary?

Not a hard question.

These queues can possibly last for the next 5 months, will we be having layers for a large portion of Classic’s lifespan?

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What do you consider temporary?

Asks for feedback.

Ignores it.

Ahh yes, as is tradition.


Until lockdowns/shelter in place/mass work from home end.

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Thank you, Blizzard!

Our guild runs two separate raid teams; morning and evening. The evening team was getting hammered so bad with the queue that we had a meeting with them just last week to talk about what to do.

Transferring was brought up and I mentioned that it would REALLY suck if they all transferred then layering was turned on…

So glad we waited it out as all of us are really good friends. Thanks, Bliz! This kept our guild and friends together!


Until everyone that can no longer work and sits in WoW all day can return to work.

Or until covid has an unforseen mutation and wipes out 90% of the humans on the planet.

I mean how would you answer it? Aside from until the overwhelming need goes away?

My company of 20,000 was informed we will be wfh at least until May 31, with extension past that still being considered.

In my senior leadership team, we’ve agreed to allow our 200 employees to remain wfh indefinitely.

Speaking with other companies, this is becoming a new norm.

Many players are students, and will not be returning to school for roughly 5 months.

It’s a possibility at least hour long queues, if not longer, will remain for at least that time. Will layers remain to resolve them for the duration? What will an acceptable queue be going forward?

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Yup. “GIve us free transfers!”

And then people wait for everyone else to transfer.

With this post, Blizzard has come out and said that’s what happens, and why they’re not doing it.

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Not 5-6 hours.

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Hour long queues on a high pop realm, those are to be expected.
6+ hour queues on the other hand are new and abby normal

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Servers in the list in OP already have queues much lower than that. What is the threshold?

Is an hour acceptable? Two?

Benediction’s queue is no where near that.

Thus far the most I’ve seen is around 2 on raid nights. At 5pm, I could sign in immediately Wed when ZG dropped.

If this is the LCD, layers will remain at least until servers are down to two hours?

Damn a multibillion dollar company cant come up with anything better than layers?
tokens next boys then we quit


My realm was literally open, and only a few people came.
we got no mass influx of people.

Some people keep saying “dead realm dead realm”
We are anything but dead

Thank you for adding it back, we needed it.

Well that also depends on when you try to login, and what impact that queue has on organized play.

I think blizzard was also seeing much higher queue times vs people in queue than they were at launch.

On Bene, we were having queues begin around 5-5:30 ish on the raid night.

If you tried to log in around 8, the queue was about 2 hours.

Does a 2 hour queue justify layers? If so, some servers in this list may likely be layered for almost as long as the game has been out thus far.

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I do not k now that.

I also do not know anything about benediction personally, but there were some people last night i think shrieking that it was ruined now also with a 5 hour queue.

Now they could have been making it up, i do not know.
But if layering is applied to it, then i would assume the blizz is tracking on their side, what they feel is a non acceptable queue time.

Now, me personally?
It does no harm to me if you got to do something twice, once on each layer.
Hell if i am lucky, you got 2 BIS and healing you is easier etc.

Hell, i am busy working and people will have run ZG twice before i even see inside of it with no layers at all.
Causes no harm to me