Multiboxing may not have been on everyone’s radar and as accessible to so many more people but it DID exist back in Vanilla.
God, that is going to be a monumental mess.
I feel as though Sulfuras got the raw end of the stick when blizzard allowed free transfers from a full server such as Whitemane to a HIGH POPULATION SERVER that has had a great balance of a full population and no queues for months with no layering.
Now a bunch of free transfers refugees gum up our server, add 1-2 hour queues to the launch week of ZG, and on the same Friday “oh darn we had to re implement a feature you hate because we didn’t enforce free transfers to only low to medium population servers until it was too late”.
This is unfortunately the nuclear option, which does nothing to address underlying server issues, and in fact reopens massive exploitation. Moreso with world bosses in now, and fishing tourney coming. World buff coordination is going to be a gawdawful mess as well.
They should have put in mechanics to boot bots, reduce multiboxers, and boot players staying online via artificial means while not playing. They’ve had over 6 months to figure these things out.
As par for the course goes, they have chosen the route that would be the least effort for them, and does nothing to address long standing issues.
Can someone please interpret this for me? Layering is not sharding, yet the reason being given for not layering cities (I would wager at any given time a large portion of the populations are idling in org and SW) is that suddenly layering =sharding? And what essential mobs are transitioning into and out of capital cities?
PLEASE consider the faction inbalance when combating the server issues, Argual for example is 60/40 or at least it feels worse than that… having more of one faction dog pile ontop of an unbalanced server should have repercussions, longer queues for one faction more than the other.
All it does is encourage alliance to move… i’ve heard of so much talk of moving servers to another one to get away from not just the queues but the annoying faction issue, i get it… #nochanges (but also changes) but this is an ongoing problem that needs a solution which if having two solutions match together works… then give the unbalanced faction a 10 hour queue until they figure it out.
But also open up opt in entire guild moves, sending an email to confirm you’d like to move with your guild next maint cycle, i feel like that’d help people so much more… you could also give the guild leader an interface to show who opt’d in/out so they can cancel it if most people are staying.
there are classic like solutions to classic problems, lets encourage player behavior in a way that doesn’t put people off playing the game. (just like your AV change.)
I only need one word to describe my thoughts. But I needed at least 10 characters. This should cover that limit. THANKYOU!
So, having security means your game can’t do what it was designed to do and nothing can be done about it?
Real mature gnomeferatu… Because the real classic fans understand black lotus is rare and valuable they are the worst? Because real classic fans dont complain about having 5k players on at a time…Because we don’t want layering in the game that NEVER had it… you retail people come back to classic and want to change it to exactly what the classic players hate…watered down easy mode nonsense. Please take layering out…or atleast let the people leave the layered servers…We didn’t transfer knowing there was going to be layers, now we are stuck dealing with this mess
Vanilla WoW does not have a bigger world
Nor is it intended to be developed into a bigger world.
It is a 15 year old world and was never ever slated to be changed from that, there is a place called retail where they do that kind of stuff.
No, it would not.
You can’t log into your realm because it is full.
You can only let so many bodies into vanilla WoW’s world before there ain’t enough world to go around, it is a world designed for around two or three thousand people to exist in it that was designed 15 years ago.
It is a world that is already stretched thin on the high population realms.
That is what classic is, if you want something else, you are in the wrong place.
Eve Online would like a word with you on how exactly they pull off 2000 player massive space battles.
and then here is classic:
Layering is essentially cloning the entire realm, but using the single set of databases (players AH BG standings etc)
Herod(a) Herod(b) etc
Sharding is basically instancing
Every zone can instance itself as capacity demands.
Orgrimaar’s instance reaches what even the capacity is for the instance
and people next zoning into it load into a different instance of it.
Every zone in the game is compartmentalized, and can instance itself as need requires.
At any given time, Herod could have unlimited Org’s existing if load required, and can condense them down into a single instance if the load vanishes (and you see people phase in)
That did not exist in vanilla though, and the game world was not designed
around that capability, it allows things to bleed back and forth across zones and even has it’s own events that do so routinely, like traveling NPC’s etc.
Retail WoW can do this, but the game world went through many changes
that support it happening.
Vanilla did not have the world design, nor the mechanics for it.
The capital cities were not built any different than the rest of the game world in that aspect.
Classic uses the BFA client and host as it’s base of operations, yes
But the vanilla game classic is made from was not made with those technologies in mind and was not designed around them
When listening to Ion, he used the terms interchangeably. The only difference is sharing is zone specific, whereas layering is world wide.
They won’t use sharing because ‘it breaks the game world,’ since there’s like 5 mobs that pat zone to zone. Instead, they gave us a solution that causes even more harm.
It isn’t difficult, sharing should have been introduced to areas of multi-zones in cases of dynamic mob movement. The easy solution was layering, which simply makes additional copies of the entire world as needed by population.
As far as essential mobs, there’s like 4-5 maybe and people who kite mobs into them. I’d take a kite mob respawning when it hit a new shard zone anyday over the entire world getting layered for niche circumstances. For the few mobs that do pat zone to zone, there should be multi-zone shards or conditional statements to catch these scenarios.
So, you’re just gonna do whatever you want to do. Figures.
Except it doesn’t, layering is very transparent except when yoiu switch layers, which is rare as it requires joining a group on another layer.
Tank you for at least acknowledging that if you didn’t lock down those servers it would just encourage people to continue pooling there since the queues are gone.
If anyone’s mad about this, I’m sure there’s plenty of medium-high pop servers that would love to have you.
You’ll have to take that up with the lead game director, he’s the one that stated it.
It’s also not rare to switch layers, there are layer groups set up to facilitate it.
Hmm… they specifically gave us layering instead of sharding because it has less impact.
Which has a cooldown on it, and if you are intentionally changing layers you don’t get to whine about it breaking immersion.
By breaks, I literally meant sharding breaks the zones up into different subsections, which impacts very few mobs.
As far as layering causing harm, that is directly what Ion stated and why it wasn’t going to persist after week two.
When it was prevalent, numerous people highlighted how it had detrimental impact. A brief cooldown limited that impact, but was and is still easily avoidable.
I’ve never said anything about immersion whatsoever.
And I never said layering had no impact, it mitigates a very real issue that is greater than those negatives. Which is why it’s being used now in extreme circumstances.