Addressing Population Concerns in WoW Classic

There is 2 layers, who cares about the CD. Going to the other layer is what I was trying to avoid LOL.

im fine with layering for population issues, but this will introduce an interesting problem that layer realms get access to twice as many world bosses? or is that not the case? this was never going to be an issue since layers werent supposed to ever be ingame during world boss content.

To be entirely honest, and without Blizzard providing any information, I would guess the likely answer is they are floundering in the dark. They have their KPI for server access flagging red, stakeholders saying fix it, and layering turns it green. Reading this OP, they stated they didn’t want to wait to build a new solution.

Yet the new norm being implemented due to covid, and students not having school for the remainder of the 2020 SY and going into summer, means some servers may be layered for a long time to come.

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People like Asmond and Esfand where openly talking about transferring servers on stream. No one is thinking about transferring now that Blizzard implemented layering. Blizzard removed the big incentive.

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As if you’d take it…

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It’s how queues will be handled, regardless of the catalyst. Once cases drop off, many people will remain wfh and students will be transitioning into summer. This will likely be a long lasting measure and no information on the parameters around it has been provided by Blizzard.

can you please allow paid xfers to realms where you already have a 60 on there even if its locked?

can you offer free transfers to Natives of the servers u just sent transfers to and ruined those servers cough earthfury

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No it’s not, the way these queues are a working is a direct result of how things are playing out because of the pandemic.

They didn’t reenable it in phase 2 when there were issues with queue times.

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In Phase 2 we didn’t have large scale changes to the workforce toward wfh, which will continue in many cases going forward, or students transitioning from no additional physical schooling in the remainder of the 2020 SY into summer.

If queues were 5-6 hours in Phase 2, layers would have been implemented. When the cases taper off, if queues remain above whatever the accepted amount of time is, layers will very likely remain.

It is very likely the seasonality around queue times, coupled with companies adopting new norms of more wfh and students being out for summer, will continue to impact the avg length even after cases diminish.

Do you think a server with a 5-6+ hour queue today will have a rapid drop off of said queue as cases decline? Most companies are stating even for employees that will physically return it is not going to happen immediately, but rather be a very gradual process.

Yes… that’s the whole point… the situation now it completely unexpected and requires unexpected responses like temporarily turning on layering.

Of course it’ll be temporary… that doesn’t mean it won’t also be gradual.

Wrap her in seran wrap covered in Lysol

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This is the question I have outstanding. Temporary is not a possible 5 months on some servers, if not longer, nor an undefined metric. The difficulty in predicting the time frame going forward and ambiguity from Blizzard indicates the duration of this can be however long they decide. Without any parameters on what an acceptable queue is, temporary could be longer than 5 months.

As you’ve stated, 7 months+ of layers would be fine in your opinion. In mine, this isn’t.

I would prefer queues remain, transfers are utilized, and a better solution is implemented to improve long queues.

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Classic could realistically be alive 10 years from now… temporary is definitely appropriate for 5 months.

We’ll see if population is sustained after SL and TBC, it will be interesting to see what ratio of the game lifespan will be layered versus not.

And I think you’re asking for the impossible at this point, we have no idea exactly how long this will last.

Transfers simply didn’t work. And what better solution do you prefer, other than queues?

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Wait, isn’t that half of the excuse you used at launch for not opening new realms? Also goes good with your logic of having/ leaving downtime on Tuesdays because that’s when the least amount of players are on. Because making patch day be Tuesdays you made Tuesdays have the least amount of players on. (and it’s not like you don’t push out stupid hotfixes multiple times during the weeks after a new patch that for some reason we can’t have it download in the background while we’re playing)

I’m asking for a few parameters for defining what Blizzard considers an acceptable queue and how they will assess when layers will be removed. They have these metrics and could provide an indication of them.

Queues would catalyze transfers over time, as they did originally. As I mentioned before, I would prefer servers were adjusted to vanilla population size, more servers were opened as needed, and free transfers were offered to servers in a cascading fashion rather than highest => lowest. This would maintain the game as close to a faithful recreation as possible.

Additionally, I would hope their development team could devise alternative solutions before simply reactivating the same tools. When they indicated in their Twitter post that they were working on it, I’m somewhat surprised they only offered the same solutions that were considered sub optimal by the company itself.

So it seems like all the people wanting layering, thought they wanted Vanilla, but they didn’t.

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Would of prefered for Blizz to actually pay attention to their game and community and be PROACTIVE about faction balances and potentially full servers. Lock servers and close paid xfers before multi-hour queues become the norm. ‘Player created problem’ seems to be a common phrase, however the ‘people’ have proven to be self-interested and can not be relied on to do what is needed for the health of the game. For the same reasons we have 60/40 or worse faction balance on a large number of servers, we have these multiple hour queues. Because Blizz only acts when it is far too late and is more than happy to take your xfer money in the meanwhile.

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