Addressing Population Concerns in WoW Classic

While improving the experience for everyone who can actually log in when there would be a queue.

Not to mention that world bosses explicitly don’t cater to people who primarily can only play during prime time.


No, but it’s a PVE server, and what is in the box just is not that enticing to fight over.

Oh we have WPVP but mostly in places of our choosing, settings that look interesting to fight in and what not.

Other than that, we help each other when possible, wave and say hello, sometimes even trade stuff by using the neutral AH and listing something for 1 copper.

If you are horde and trying to attune for BWL, you are as liable to have an alliance toon help you out as you are a horde, and vica versa.

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You’re inept Blizzard.


Sorry to be brash but that sounds awful, passive and incredibly boring. To each their own though, I just want fair wpvp.

As someone who is an essential worker and has been frustrated with the queue times making me unable to play when I get off of work, I want to say thank you for listening and doing what needed to be done to temporarily fix this situation, it is much appreciated.

At the determent of the other 22-23 hours of the day on the server. For roughly 2 hours, people waited around an hour to two max (only two on ZG drop day) for 4 days. And that was the justification of layers.

From someone who waited in queues in these extremely brief time frames, I’d prefer my experience not to include layers once I zone.

On much larger servers, this is very possibly going to be in effect for the next 5 months if not longer.

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Summer is coming and the pandemic will hopefully be over soon. Those two things itself will bring the population back down dramatically, like it was prior to the pandemic.

did you not read the post? He said Blizz’s data shows people don’t take the transfers even when they’re free.

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If they didn’t rent cheap cloud servers to host their game there wouldn’t be a need for a queue.

We have queues because the cheap servers blizzard rents cannot handle more than 100 players in a zone, if they went back to haviing their own quality servers every single could be online at the same time with zero problem.

You pay them $15 a month and they cant even bother to give us working infrastructure, they caused the problem and give us a terrible solution they don’t deserve any thanks

This unfortunately is a needed change. There are many people paying $15/m just to sit in a queue a majority of the time because they have responsibilities and cant log in at 3am to reserve themselves a spot. Layering of course isn’t great, but neither is sitting in a queue for 4+ hours. A majority of this game was designed for ~2500 player servers (the original server cap), and when you have people with 5+ accounts camping black lotus spawns and colluding thus extremely screwing the price i welcome anything that makes that puts more of those into the market. The “issue” is that servers are 4x the size they were originally (and on private servers). Layering of course isn’t the end all be all, but it sure does beat having a lot of people unable to play at all. In my opinion i think if slight changes were made to node spawns & and being able to easily swap layers it would be infinitely better. The part that concerns me the most is realms being locked, information on how long this would remain in effect for would be appreciated.
edit: i also wonder if merging realms with vast differences in faction balance would be a better solution as opposed to getting people to transfer (like stalagg and skeram)

Thanks, Blizzard.
I have recommanded bringing back layers several weeks ago and I’m very happy finally it comes true.
We don’t need to queue on 2PM for 8PM raid any more. Really appreciate it.

If PVP is your thing, then it probably does sound boring.
But if PVE is your thing, then not so boring.

We do have WPVP events though, more than just SS vs TM
We had a battle for stromgarde that was a blast, though some of the questers may have been a wee bit miffed

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I get that some people would rather just deal with the queues.

If you look at the thread more people would rather not. Did you actually raid on a schedule? Or for that matter have actual real life restrictions on when you can play?

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I seriously wish your broken promise would actually lead to massive unsubs. But you’ve broken promises before and nothing happens.

Be the first to start the movement.

I just don’t see a reason playing on a server where there is no emergent pvp. That sense of needing to be on your toes and creating salty rivalries between the same players is satisfying. The only drawback is that you can be killed when you don’t want to and you can return the favor

Layering doesn’t prevent wpvp.

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Don’t be stupid. Even if I was Asmongold, people are addicted to WoW and wouldn’t stay away long. Not everyone has the strength to quit and stay away.

It definitely dilutes and worsens the experience as you can just abuse layering to engage/disengage fights. Since the world isn’t one cohesive dimension, the concept of “Hey there’s an alliance at X watch out!” is less of a threat as you can just hop over somewhere else for an example

While cases may drop, a new norm will still be implemented. Our company of 20,000 workers are wfh at least until EOM May with a possible extension at that time. In our senior leadership team, we’ve opted to allow our 200 employees to remain wfh indefinitely.

Students will be out of school for the next 5 months.

If a peak two hour queue on 2 days was enough to layer Benediction, large servers may be layers for a very long time to come. The game only released EOM August 2019, and was layered for all of P1. Large servers may end up layers for longer than not.