Addons seriously

It has also been said many times that the Earth is flat. Guess you better be careful when you go for a walk. Don’t trip over the edge, now.

you can’t though, the gubbermint won’t let you into Antarctica , so you can’t climb the Ice Wall that surrounds flat earth.

MMOs where the data is not static for the most part do not lend themselves well to Players guides.

I would much rather they focused on the game and not adding making and taking care of addons.

I have never gone to a questionable site or given any information to download an addon.

The game doesnt require a single addon to be playable so this is a non issue to begin with.

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People that push 2500 rating don’t need addons. I know a few personally and they all say the same thing.

Addons end up being a handicap and, as you say, clutter (distractions).


Wait, now Blizzard should be hosting their own wiki/fan sites too?

This stuff has always been outsourced to 3rd parties. The amount of labor hours involved here is astronomical.

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Are you serious? lol

Things like this thread are the reason blizzard is now developing mobile games.

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Not really, if they were to keep up since the beginning it would be easily maintainable. They let it go along time ago.

Imagine playing World of Warcraft without third party sites? There was a time when that was a thing. Nowadays it’s… Well, refer to “www.whatevercom”

Not really, vanilla had fan sites pretty much from day one. thotbot .com anyone?


Imagine a World of Warcraft without Addons?
It happened. It’s possible.

Thottbot was rewritten as a database for wow vanilla three months before the official release, third party sites for wow have existed even before wow was live.

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They also had Player Handbooks. Actual books, where you could flip through pages and easily find answers to whatever you were searching for.

That’s not accurate, but alright.

While the OP is whining about nothing meaningful, Curse currently does not have many desirable Classic add-ons. I’ve had to go to websites I’ve never used before to get add-ons for the beta. Hopefully Curse catches up soon.

I don’t know. Gives me Bethesda vibes of a company charging for addons that are not on par with the free addons that come from the community.

The people who make and hold copyright for the Add-Ons on Twitch/Curse are probably beta testing them.

For the OP’s point, though, he said:

I am paying a premium subscription price.

Which isn’t true for Classic Beta, but it is for Battle for Azeroth. All the necessary Add-Ons for the game he is paying a subscription for are on Twitch/Curse.

You need an active subscription to play the beta.

you need an active sub/game time at the time of the capture to get an invite.

An active subscription to Battle for Azeroth Retail.