thanks for the Informative answer. So my next question is this, where should the line be drawn in regards to what addons should or shouldn’t be aloud.
Blizzard draws that line constantly. As an example, at the start of BFA they disabled an addon that was auto forming raid groups for world quests. They felt world quests were being trivialized by the addon. They also very closely monitor the functionality of things like Deadly Boss Mods and disable features of it. When BoD came out they disabled the addons ability to display the color needed for the robots in the mekkatorque encounter for people who were inside the robots. Trust me, Blizzard monitors addons very carefully.
It is up to the developers to decide what is and isn’t appropriate, regardless of whether or not you personally like something.
Now sure you can go complain on Twitter or reddit or even here about certain addons. That is your right as a paying customer.
Just a heads up though, our opinions are nothing more than a fart in the wind to these developers.
I understand, so lets pretend you and I are both developers. Do you think addons that display player information more visibly are unfair or are fair because anyone can download the addon / create an addon that does something similar?
More fair. Especially for the visually impaired who rely on some addons to play the game.
This whole post is silly and pointless.
Curse (while owned by Twitch is still Curse) and wowinterface are places you go to download these addons. Github is where many addon developers have the addon code repositories so you may download directly from them if you do not like the twitch client.
Addons have been in wow since the beginning. And who says which ones should not be in the game? Ultimately Blizzard when they disable an API feature or change a game system to make them useless. Like legion/bfa auto group addons for world quests.
If your “group” said you needed an addon for Mythic Raiding then you should have known about that before getting into the raid. Its not Blizzards fault nor responsibility.
Thanks for sharing though.
I mean, I’m learning so much from this thread it isn’t pointless for me. How else is an ignoranus like me suppose to become enlightened its like the /2 chat I remeber from when I was young.
Frankly, if i were a devolper i wouldn’t have a user interface as atrocious as the default WoW UI. Information should always be readily and easily available to the player so that they can make informed decisions. The base UI falls woefully short of that, which is why addons are so popular.
As an aside (and sorry for being an a**hole earlier, your hard headedness really frustrates me) if a raid group tries to tell you you HAVE to do something, just find another raid group. No one should be able to dictate how you choose to play the game.
Except it’s being made in a forum which guarantees that the particular developers and producers at Blizzard are probably never going to see it.
I’m almost finished doing a fan update of gladiatorlossa2 for classic maybe u can dl it from twitch and it will help you in bg’s by audibly announcing all the enemies spell casts and cds for you. (Don’t forget to support twitch/wowinterface by turning off adblock as these websites aern’t free)
guarantees… probably
@Gopenhagen I could use a version that also aubibly suggest the best skill 2 use and tells me which key to press.
#NoChange doesn’t apply on addons. Bye.
You obviously do not know what you’re paying for then. Classic is a museum piece, you are literally just paying to play an unmodern version of classic. If you want to download mods feel free to use curse or twitch at your own discretion
You don’t need to use the app to get addons from twitch.
You can just download addons directly from the twitch/curse website and move them to your WoW interface folder manually, without installing the twitch app.