Addons can no longer use /who functionality

Yesterday morning a 31mb update to the game went out that removed addon’s ability to use the /who function.
This has broken quite a few addons.
WIM (WoW Instant Messenger)
Some RP addons
and others.

Feel free to add to this list.

Swatter will inform you what the addon tried to access and it will have ()WHO somewhere all over the error report.


They did it to break the Classic LFG addon. There’s a blue post somewhere explaining it.


That was fixed last week I thought.
Did they patch the addon to function in a new way causing blizzard to have to be this heavy handed?

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To be honest, they don’t want people to actually know how many people are playing. These kinds of addons can very quickly deduce player counts. Probably 75% of the playerbase log in around prime time. Poll every server and you can semi-accurately judge how many people play.

They have to conceal things like this for financial reasons. They don’t want investors seeing a potentially sinking ship.



Yay! No more guild invite spam.

Great job Blizzard, keep up the good work.


I have to call bogus on the last two posts.
As the maintainer for both CensusPlus and ClassicCensusPlus, we have never seen any concerns from Blizzard on our tracking of character history in nearly 14 years.

As to the guild invite spam, there has been the ability to block that for quite some time.


while i think that is the real reason (throws tin foil hat on) I also wonder how much the complaint about the spy addon had influence, as that cropped up here in the forums within this last week.

Good I hope they break every addon. You don’t need addons for this game. Other than maybe Grid for raid healing. And Recount for dps meter.

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I did a census last night and there was 0 issues…

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Addons were in vanilla, get over it already.


Majority of the addons we have now, were not in Vanilla.
We’re also using retails API, which is not vanillas API.


Majority of addons now were in vanilla, different names, same function.

If YOU are using something you don’t want, stop using it.



You can’t /who the enemy so probably none.


Was an addon causing that?

Not sure about classic, but in retail there are addons that can /who zones and send spam ginvites to everyone.

Make a new char on retail and you will most likely be getting ginvites within a few minutes, it is kind of annoying.

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Addons, the weak man’s crutch.

You sound just like the original tryhard…

“Skill is my addon! /flex”


You’re weak. I get that. I’ve struck out many little boys like you in a game of kickball.

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In both WoW and WoW Classic there is a standard interface option to block guild invites.
Go to the system menu, select interface options, under social you can block both Guild invites and Chat Channel Invites.