What is your raiding experience, OP?
One day, maybe one of these idiotic threads will be written by somebody who’s actually done the content they’re talking about.
(but probably not)
I rarely use addons. I have always thought they were problematic especially considering the developers essentially tune the game for addons for high end content. If they are using data from test servers those people are using addons AKA the game is designed around certain addons meaning anyone that doesn’t use them is at a disadvantage…I see this as a problem for the game as it creates another barrier for entry.
I have more fun succeeding based off my own observations, thoughts, reflexes and ability to communicate.
Can you give an example?
Why is it always players who have accomplished nothing of note that make these “hurrrr addons play the game for you” posts?
A little bird (streamer) told them to.
The devs have stated multiple times they would develop bosses/fights differently if addons weren’t a thing.
It’s often the same people who think they could be a mega streamer if they were a hot girl… then you watch their stream and they have ZERO personality
This argument was old and tired in 2004. Give it a rest already. The horse has been thoroughly atomized at this point.
If it’s the streamer I’m thinking of specifically yep you’re right. Funnily enough that streamer was often carried in the game by people rather than addons… same result he didn’t have to do much himself
I think the dev team would say and do anything rather than admit that they’re not very good at their jobs. It’s always a constant parade of excuses.
Like when Ghostcrawler stated in Cata that most people were just incapable of getting better at the game, and that’s why people were quitting in Cata. Rather than admitting that Cata was a real steaming turd of an expansion from top to bottom.
As someone who’s played both
FF difficulty is an absolute joke compared to wow, basically same difficulty as LFR with their highest
I’d be surprised if more than one or two encounter designers have actually killed mythic bosses they made in testing. And that’s being VERY generous.
it’s rude to ask questions you already know the answer to. ( they cant.)

So explain this to me.
Sure, I’ll gladly help you out.

How does allowing the game to hold your hand for you make you a good player?
It doesn’t. Using addons as a crutch makes you a worse player, not a better player. But that’s dependant on people who are awful and using addons as a crutch. So blame the people misusing addons as opposed to addons instead.

Dbm tells you when to use a defensive or not stand in something.
No it doesn’t. It gives you information in an audible form, but it is on your head to act on it. DBM does nothing in that regard, it just informs you.

Max dps tells you what buttons to push.
Yes… it is a rotation helper to provide a visual aid to help people get better. If players use it for that, great! But it doesn’t do anything of the stuff you are talking about, but players do use it that way … which makes the players worse, that’s correct.

There’s even one that basically lets you click a box and remove curses and debuffs.
“One?” There’s loads of 'em!
Welcome to what a UI addon is. Use it intelligently and you’ll do better, use it as a replacement of thinking and you’ll wipe your raid and dungeon to no end.

There are a plethora of other add-ons that trivialize the game removing the “skill” from a lot of end game content.
Out of all the addons you have listed so far, not a single one of 'em even remotely does what you claim that they do.
But then again… you didn’t say any of these things in good faith, since you did say this:

The on going argument of which is better in terms of skill cap between wow and FF14 is saddening. See in FF14 we don’t get add-ons.
There’s no question of the skill cap between WoW and FF14.
FF14’s primary content is that of a single player RPG with optional social interactions, not a PvE MMO. Furthermore, the reason why FF14 doesn’t have addons (which yes, they do, but as long as you don’t talk about them openly you won’t get banned for using 'em - talk about 'em and you will be) is because the baseline gameplay experience provides all the information upfront.
Which in turn makes the visual effect of the game EXTREMELY messy, especially with how FF14 went with the over-the-top Final Fantasy flashiness above that of gameplay substance. It doesn’t mean that it isn’t fun, but… FF14 is designed first to be flashy and then to feel good.
Because that’s what people want from any FF-game.
Go troll elsewhere, or do stuff that makes you happy in life. Trolling just makes you pathetic, not much else.
Again go back and watch interviews if you actually want to see the answer. They have stated they design encounters knowing that players will know fireball comes in 5 more seconds, knowing who is next to be target etc
I’m not sure what you are trying to compare. WoW and FF are very very different games.

The devs have stated multiple times they would develop bosses/fights differently if addons weren’t a thing.
You have to design doors differently if more people only had four fingers instead of five.
What you are saying here isn’t an argument, it is a statement of reality.
The folks who are on the side of “ban all addons, because a streamer told me to say that!” will claim this to be a reason to remove addons … and sane folks who simply just acknowledge that “Yes, the sky is indeed blue today” will approach this from entirely different expectations of it.
Using factual statements won’t help either side as this is a conversation discussed to the point where the horse ain’t just dead… someone raised it from the dead, beat it, killed it, then did that a few times more, the horse then joined the Burning Legion just so Illidan would keep beating the horse, killing it, have it be resurrected in the Twisting Nether, and be beaten to a pulp again for a few millennia.
On one side, you have factual reality. On the other, you have streamers and ragebaity-threads. That’s all one can say about this topic anymore, because yes … the game would be designed differently if the game was different. That honestly means pretty much… nothing.

Again go back and watch interviews if you actually want to see the answer. They have stated they design encounters knowing that players will know fireball comes in 5 more seconds, knowing who is next to be target etc
- They have in-game warnings and announcements and cast bars saying when the stuff is cast; no need for addons.
- Addons cannot tell you “who is next to be the target”.
They most certainly can, past raid boss abilities have rotated in a way that a person could also predict but is clearly much easier to let the addon do it.
For example Ability A hits five people it prefers ranged target, there are seven ranged and these five got hit last time we know 100% that the other two are getting hit next