Addon to Display Parses

My medians close to yours :sweat_smile:

Wait till we finally get a turning tide, then my best will be 99+ i know it!

Week 88 still no turning tide drop…


Watching dps fight over Parses is amusing as a healer. :popcorn:

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what is this thread.

what happened.

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Lol getting beat by a ret again. You must be seething.

Man this thread is a roller coaster.

Thoroughly enjoyed,

Would read again.

What am I reading

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this whole thread is cringe and needs to be burned


plenty of guns tho

We are feral staff enjoyers.

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It would be rational to correctly assume that someone who parses high and posts on these forums also knows how to search for add ons. You imply to be the first two and yet clearly are displaying that you do not possess the ‘googleness’.

Therefore this is a fake post and trolling and flagged as such.

Good day sir.

I wish people cared about pvp as much as this stuff.

i would love to post from my main but i cant (EU). So i cant autobrag with my amazing logs, i hate it :confused:

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