They’re activated not playing the game?
The vast majority of addons are not combat related.
Alot are for collectors, TokenTransmog for example shows me what classes I don’t have the tier appearance on that I can obtain with my Warbound Tier Tokens from old raids.
and this does not contradict anything I’ve said.
If you want WoW without addons, pray for a XBox release and play it there.
it’ll never happen on PC, because it would crater the playerbase who has been playing with addons for 20 years.
I actually don’t, since, like I said above, I have all that stuff turned off. With an occasional exception.
I don’t think I have anything turned on for Mythic Ansurek, currently. I didn’t on Mythic Silken Court, that’s for sure.
Oh yeah they were TERRIBLE at raiding. So am I so it fits but it was very stressful.
and this is the thing that anti-addon people like Hurte refuse to acknowledge.
I have like 30-40 addons installed. 2 are combat related. Bigwigs and Details. I could delete both of those and not miss them, given my playstyle.
the vast majority of my addons are for changing/enhancing the UI in some way.
What you’ve failed to acknowledge is that addons give you an advantage over other players. In any other gaming community that would be considering cheating. Installing 3rd party coding to change the way the game functions.
Everyone acknowledges that Blizzard’s user interface is trash and that anybody using a half-decent custom user interface is therefore not playing with trash.
Ya for retail for combat addons I have Skada for a damage meter and DBM. The rest are TokenTransmog, Battle Pet Battle UI Tweaks, and TomTom. 5 Addons total.
The only reason why I even use DBM is because Blizzard has always been terrible at scripting mechanics compared to a game like FFXIV where I use 0 addons.
Can you give a current example?
Except its not because addons are not against ToS in WoW.
Same with those other communities where addons are also allowed.
I’ve been using blizzard’s stock interface for years along with millions of other players.
they don’t give me any advantage against the majority of WoW’s playerbase that also uses them.
You choosing not to use addons is your choice and has nothing to do with me, so I don’t care if you think I have an advantage over you or whatever.
I don’t play PVP and I don’t use PVP addons. so I don’t care about whatever perceived advantage you say I have because I use ConsolePort to give me a Controller-friendly UI or I use Auctionator to scan the AH so I can see pricing in my tooltips, or I use Baganator to help me manage my inventory better.
I think I need to rephrase what I mean. I mean when you have multiple mechanics that overlap that use the same color schemes. Like Tomb of Sargeras was ALOT of green etc.
You should admit that you’re unable to play the game without your addons’ assistance. You need 3rd party coding to tell you when to press certain talents.
I think you significantly overestimate the number of players who use stock interface and play with 0 addons.
In vanilla most people used addons. Simple things such as opening all of you mail in your mailbox which latter would be added to WoW. Mailing more than 1 item at a time etc.
I don’t use any addons that do this.
go ahead and try your next strawman.
And deal with your breed of insufferable kind? I think I’d rather not.
Like I said, it be much more interesting to see how long it’ll take a pile of tryhards to clear the content without having the crutch of addons that totally don’t help all that much wink wink nudge nudge…even better is if Blizzard actually kept all of the raid on total lockdown until it’s actually launched and forced them all to go at it totally blind. You’ll disagree and I still won’t care.
And hey, if addons (or really cheap auras specifically) doesn’t really do all that much, I suppose we would see that in the actual races wouldn’t we.
The problem is addons are limitless, Blizzard needs to put a limit on them.
I use it to track how I’m doing not others