As of today’s patch, my addons enabled state is not saving. I am starting from a fresh WTF folder (i delete the whole folder), I disable one of my addons, confirm, then exit game through the menu. When i start the game back up, the add-on is back enabled. Even if i load a character and do the same steps, the addons are all enabled again on next startup. Anyone else having issues like this?
On MacOS Sonoma.
Yeah I confirmed and reported this bug directly to UI team earlier tonight. I didn’t see any windows users complaining of it so seems mac only?
Ah wow ok…this is happening to me too since patch yesterday. I just posted about this in the bug reports forum then thought to take a peek here. Yes Im on Mac as well and since yesterday my addons load when I log in even when they are set to be off.
I also keep getting spammed with titles I have already earned.
I am seeing this as well with addon states not saving.
Additionally, every single time I exit WoW, the updater will fetch another patch update for WoW, even though the version number never changes (
). It appears to be grabbing the “World of Wacraft Launcher” app in the WoW application folder itself every time, though its version also never changes / updates (
I’ve tried nuking every cache and preference and started it from zero, but WoW still gets updated after every play session since this anniversary patch.
I just discovered this and it’s driving me insane. I purposely don’t load addons on certain characters (for example. I don’t load TRP3 on non-RP server characters). There are legitimate reasons to not load all addons on every character.
And it’s just a matter of launching wow to the character select screen on a Mac that does this. I sync my settings back, check that everything looks good (cat //AddOns.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -n), launch the game to the character select screen (no further), re-run above command and all addons are now marked as enabled.
I also confirmed this isn’t happening on Windows, just Mac.
Out of curiosity, are you also seeing that wants to update WoW every time you exit?
I’ve seen that off and on on both Mac and Windows for quite a while now. I log out and it says “updating” and it chugs for a few minutes (and all my systems are beefy, so just the bnet launcher being mega slow as always) and than it does nothing and finishes.
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Getting this on the OS X client since the patch as well, along with the gigantic name plates from across the entire zone thing.
Not sure if it’s related or anything but I also have had random issues with my stealth in dungeons just not working until an exit. Not sure all if this might be related to THIS issue it’s just that no one else mentioned it in the rogue forum.
Maybe related to this bug.
TLDR: If the character you’re logged into shares a name with another character on the account, your addon enable state configuration could be broken.
If this applies to you, an odd and slightly cumbersome workaround is to ensure the character whose addon list you want to use is placed higher on the character select list than other characters with the same name. (the favorites list order does not affect this, it has to be in the list below the favorites list)
And to confirm, I’m on Windows and was able to reproduce this, so not a Mac specific issue.
that’s an old issue that’s been around over a decade. i’m surprised you just didn’t notice it before.
For me I didn’t have this issue until going from to now nothing saves and even the default UI with no addons loaded provide LUA errors.
Message: Error loading WTF/Account/348151051#4/SavedVariables/Blizzard_SharedMapDataProviders.lua
Message: Error loading WTF/SavedVariables/Blizzard_Console.lua
Message: Error loading WTF/Account/348151051#4/SavedVariables/Blizzard_SharedMapDataProviders.lua
Message: Error loading WTF/Account/348151051#4/SavedVariables/Blizzard_CombatLog.lua
Same issue here. Also on a Mac Studio running Sonoma 14.7
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Yea, I’m in this boat as well. Came looking for this thread.
Log back in, all my addons are turned back on.
Sequoia 15.0.1
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Confirming this is also a super annoying issue for me too. MacOS Monterey.
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Happening to me on latest Mac OS, latest WoW and M3 Pro Max silicon chip
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Good thought!
But it also happens to me for characters with unique names. These names never existed on that account, so also not any maybe old character folders flying around or anything like that.