Additional Tank specs

the logic was ALREADY given to you all.
A MAGE player who doesnt WANT to PLAY those other classes but has a TANK spec MIGHT just tank.
I think we’ve said this like 6 times at this point.
and actually in rereading the very post YOU quoted the reasoning was RIGHT THERE!

A mage player is playing mage because they don’t want to tank. Giving them a fourth spec for tank is not going to change the shortage of tanks in the game.

What is hard to understand that despite having multiple tank specs, there is still a shortage and adding more won’t change that?

Go back to the days BEFORE demon hunter and monks. Did the shortage suddenly go away because you introduced 2 more tank specs? NO!

So what makes you think adding another one is going to do anything? The shortage is not due to the lack of classes capable of tanking, it’s because PLAYERS DON’T WANT TO TANK!

In vanilla people said “not enough tanks” so Blizzard brought Paladin & Druid up to snuff for BC.

In BC people said “not enough tanks” so Blizzard made DK tanks in 3 flavors.

In Cata people said “not enough tanks” so Blizzard made Brewmasters for Mists.

In WoD people said “not enough tanks” so Blizzard added Demon Hunters in Legion.

The “tank shortage” (which really doesn’t exist, except for 5-man queues) has not been alleviated AT ALL by 4 rounds of adding more tanks to the game.

There is no shortage of tank classes. There’s only a shortage of people willing to put up with 5-man queue groups.


What ACTUALLY exists is a shortage of ranged DPS. Go over to the guild recruitment forums and what do you see? EVERYONE trying to recruit ranged DPS.

And it’s been that way for years.

What they really need to do is start adding more ranged specs to the game. Starting with Demon Hunters, who only have 2 specs at the moment anyway.

Weird, I remember this same stuff back in Vanilla. At least back then it was a little more understandable considering there was really only one class that could tank effectively lol.

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just ugh dude…FIRSTLY I SAID that my brother in law WONT change classes from being a mage but WOULD very likely tank IF he had a tank spec. People MAIN classes…you know that, right?
Secondly a MAGE player in here also SAID he’d likely tank IF he had the choice.

Try again?
If ONE mage is willing to tank with a tank spec thats ONE more tank we have in the pool.
Not that hard to do the math.

Wow, that;s the only part of my comment you can reply to? Just because your brother wants to tank as a mage does not mean that’s the inherent issue with the shortage. You refuse to acknowledge the countless data with newly added tank specs that show it’s not the problem, but that people DONT WANT TO TANK.

Thats the only part I needed to given we already covered the ‘bad DPS run off tanks’ issue.
You clearly want to argue another point entirely…that mage players WONT tank so they played a mage…which has been proven false…and that is the ONLY point I felt you needed correcting on.

Bad DPS players suck and run off tank players…check.
But players who MAIN mages and especially shamans WOULD run as tank at times if they had a choice

If they ever implemented a tank spec for mages to satisfy this scenario, I can honestly say your in-law’s tank career would be as short lived as the nearest tuning patch.

Tank players always keep 1 of each, because we dang well know it is always someone’s turn to be the paper bag.

I have this funny feeling that if Blizzard came out and gave us the number of players playing certain roles, it would be a roughly equal ratio based on what is needed for raids. If anything, it might actually show a shortage of DPS.


Its not a matter of a shortage of tanks its a matter of how tanks are treated.

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I also didnt say that we didnt have enough tank specs and that was the cause of the shortage. I said adding more specs might help. And it might, already seen multiple examples of people from this small sample of players that would be interested in tanking if their class had that option.

Saying people are playing mage because they dont’ want to tank is ridiculous.

Sure, some people probably pick War/DH/DK/Mnk/Pal/Dru specifically because they WANT to tank, but they also picked one of those classes because they wanted to be that class.

A lot of people see a class and they pick it, they like the class. I have tanks, if my hunter could tank, I would tank on him as well as on my other tank classes. If my mage could tank I would. I also DPS on my ‘tank classes’.

A lot of people pick classes, not just ‘roles’ and even when they pick roles they pick the class based on that flavor. If you don’t like the idea of being a demon, a plate wearing beefyboi, or a drunk, but wanna tank… maybe riding into battle on your direhorn or partially phasing out of reality or summoning the earth itself to protect you is more your style…

No one really implied this would resolve the tank shortage, just that having more options could help reduce the problem.

heh…their endless, pointless, mindless tuning and nerfing is another matter, lol.
They murdered my hunter right after I paid for a $60 boost, so I dont put ruining a class/spec out of the realm of probability regardless.
I almost think they get some perverse, sadistic glee out of destroying the effectiveness of a decent spec.

I wouldnt be suprised at all.

You’re the one switching the topic to dps players being bad. You have your own anecdotal example of your brother and refuse to acknowledge the YEARS of data that adding more tank specs will do ZERO.

You’re arguing in bad faith and won’t admit that you’re wrong.

To be fair, you only have anecdotal examples of adding tank specs doing 0. No one stated this would cure the problem completely and forever and you can’t, in good faith, state that adding new tank specs didn’t reduce the tank shortage. It obviously didn’t resolve it, but can you, in good faith, state that it had 0 positive impact?

You’re implying that the problem is a shortage of tank specs by suggesting we need to add more specs to solve the problem.

Once again, lets take a trip down history. Did the problem go away when they made paladins and bear tanks viable? Did the problem go away when they added demon hunters? When they added monks?

Blizzard has added tank classes to the game on 4 occasions, yet there are just as many threads complaining about “not enough tanks” (which, again, isn’t even true) as there used to be. Despite the population of the game being lower than before.

Adding more tank classes doesn’t do squat to fix the “problem”.


Knowing what I know about R&D teams and coders, it’s more like

Project Manager: “Squeaky Wheel A is REALLY raging because of ABC! DO SOMETHING!”
Dev: “But then Squeaky Wheels B, C, D, E and F will…”
PM: “THANKS Email me with progress by EOW!”
Dev: " …"

Shortage of tanks isn’t unique to WoW. Go over at overwatch and you’ll find the exact same problem. Tank queue has a permanent free lootbox offer and under 2 minute q times. NOBODY WANTS TO TANK!