That wouldn’t help warriors get invited to groups because augmentation evokers already have lust and augs are in every group as a mandatory pick.
(Yes, even with these nerfs, I believe Aug will still be mandatory - it just creates a situation where only very specific and high performing classes can group with augs because they have to carry aug’s lack of damage).
So classes that don’t scale well with augs can’t play with augs and then they can’t live the highest keys.
i’ve rarely seen augs this season. maybe you just mean at the top end.
Can we just get Augmentation converted into a tank spec at this point? I’m sad the support idea was given up on, but at least do something with the spec instead of continually turning it into just a worse dps
Isn’t that only for very high keys?
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Fire takes it crown again in Season 2, what’s new?
Blanket 8% nerf to BM–another one of those ‘you were ALMOST meta’ moments… looking like another season of farming legacy content for mounts/xmog cuz my favorite class will suck…
Its looking like a solid 12-14% damage increase to bear in M+
I know the 40% behind was thrown around a lot, but that was 40% behind Prot Paladin but not that far behind other tanks.
I think with these buffs, bear is probably stronger than Brewmaster now. I rarely see Bear streamers however so I can’t be certain.
Feels like different specs are tuned by different folks with no consensus. Some specs are left overpowered long enough, in fact multiple seasons, while others languish mid of the pack or even worse at the bottom of the barrel.
I understand it will be more troublesome for blizzard to nerf popular specs as the larger community will be unhappy. But they need to take this bitter pill for the long game.
Specs that were dominant S1 MUST NOT be dominant S2 again. Underdogs need their day too!!!
FDK, Sin Rogue, and Disc Priest were literally never meta prior to S1 and Frost/Sin were literally never even close to meta at any previous point in M+'s history.
They were the underdogs in question.
I think he was mostly referring to Aug and Prot Paladin, and to a lesser extent VDH which very recently had 2 seasons of absolute dominance
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Would love for affliction to be meta for once. is that asking a lot?
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I think that saying the word “meta” should you banned for a month.
5% - easy math
Moonfire is normally 15-20% of my damage, so that’s at best a 4%
Fury of Elune is normally 2-5% of my damage, so that’s 4% at best.
So I’d say its around 10-13% (13 is being generous, but ok).
Given we were 20% behind other tanks… we aren’t beating you, but we are less bad now.
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Other tanks like BDK/Prot War and VDH were doing insane damage. Brewmaster wasn’t in comparison. Prot Paladin still doing 10m+ on big pulls but what can you do.
I’m more than willing to bet that Brewmaster is the lowest DPS tank at the moment, at least in M+. Our AOE is actual crap and we tiger palm in AOE situations which is phenomenally stupid.
We’re losing 20% extra damage on Keg Smash which was our main ability in AOE, and now we’re running Salsa’labims Strength which is even less Keg Smash damage because we dont get resets from tier set.
Our single target is fine, and our 3-target cleave is really strong with tier set, but we’re so far behind on AOE that I dread M+ where dps classes are pushing 20m+ and I’m still ****ing tiger palming in the packs with 30 ****ing mobs because Spinning Crane Kick is doing so little ****ing damage
I’m unaware of the tiger palm thing, why would you do that over spinning crane kick? is it the cleave from MoH + blackout combo?
My cotank plays the monk between us, so I haven’t paid as much attention to them.
Because SCK is so undertuned that the only reason you’d press it is if you had Charred Passions (+50% damage) and Exploding Keg Debuff (3s, targets take an additional 20-30k damage per hit). Right now Spinng Crane kick does laughable damage, hitting for 20k per mob in large groups whereas tiger’s palm after a blackout kick can hit for upwards of 1M+f
Its not even the cleave from MoH. Its just straight up better to do a Tiger’s Palm in 90% of the situations.
And don’t get me started on Breath of Fire being responsible for 1.8% of my overall damage despite a 90%+ uptime.
Yes it is. Most people dont even know why aug is meta but they know they are meta and will invite them.
everyone knows why aug is meta - they make the healer’s job easier, give tanks more survivability and fill in defensive gaps for the squishier dps.
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lmao like what? fire mage for the 15th season]