Additional Class Updates for Undermine(d)

The effect of target caps is vastly overstated. Windwalker during Shadowlands season 2 and 3 was exactly as target capped as we are now, and specs such as Enhancement Shaman are arguably target capped even more than us. Chain Lightning is hardcapped to 5, Tempest square root scales after 5, Crash Lightning square root scales after 6.

There are relatively far fewer specs that have a significant amount of uncapped damage in their kit. Destro warlock is a good example, Elemental Shaman perhaps (not sure if Earthquake is uncapped).

In other words, no, it’s not about target caps, it’s about tuning. Cooldown design is probably also important for high m+, since that determines how much of your overall damage is concentrated in a short timeframe.

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Its uncapped. Its aoe is just small so unless the tank can gather really well it can miss stuff, but if its all tightly packed it can do alot. CL is obviously capped.

Suspected as much, but thank you :slight_smile:

That seems pretty tilted. I could see bears maybe out aoeing you if that is the case, but you’ll crush us single target. I’d be down for bear single target buffs and SCK and Breath hitting harder.

The irony of course is that bear doesn’t have anything that is purely single target to buff (outside of autoattack) to actually improve ST damage without it also providing more AOE.

Dude, that name on a troll just irritates me. I have to pretend you are the Amazon portal world version of her, because that girl is a troll.

I would love a tank spec be fun to imagine what the talents would look like.

In future, 1 patch, plz pay attention to warlocks. I will be happy.


SL S3, SL S4, DF S3 were all very favorable to Disc. I don’t know if I wouldn’t consider them Meta in those seasons.

SL S3/S4 were a heavy Holy meta. You didn’t play Disc in any content over Holy in either season.

It was a top 3 healer in DF S3 but MW and RDruid were a little better in most cases.

Oh yeah that’s right, I forgot the short period of holy goodness

btw all abilities even the ones that didn’t get buffed lol such a joke

I’ll be honest, while I am super happy to see HPal get buffed, 4% is insanely minor and personally I don’t think this will change anything as it is now…

You know what would have also been a decent change to add, Beacon of Virtue - All affected allies will be healed for 25-30% of the amount of your other healing done.

Now that’s a decent change and actually help tremendously.

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So no fix for on a paler horse still not working in undermine zone? Less then a week away and a core ability for rider of the apocalypse still does not work. If we can use ground mounts in undermine then on a paler horse SHOULD be usable period!

It has been reported over n over. Are you ignoring us or just want to trash this ability pretending we don’t notice? What the heck?

Atleast you still have your pets.
My frostmage is lonely without perma pet :wink:
(no kidding…rly missing it)

And Affli got some nice buffs now.

I mean its better than getting nerfed.

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Fire mage was trash all season 1 and mid the last quarter of it. They aren’t going to nerf it.