Seems like raid tuning for hpriest is all that’s getting done.
If you take everything to buff renew, it still heals for less than a flash heal and prayer of healing won’t save anyone or anything in M+ so it won’t be taken yet again. Like every intended change for hpriest has fallen flat.
I don’t think I can handle another season sitting in LFG as the worst healing spec and never getting invites.
I want to take a moment in a blizz post thread to ask;
For ret paladin please equalize tv/jv/fv base damage so it’s actually a choice to choose them rather than making us all forced to take fv because of the immense damage it does at base vs the other 2.
The choice should be choosing proc + range or healing + stun damage. Not base damage.
I’m starting to wonder if the developers responsible for class balancing actually play the game and if they compare the performance of one class with another.
You’re 2700 there was no Aug required in anything you did. Not shaming just stating.
Aug was ina “required” for key levels most people never played. After the changes it was overtuned due to the proccing of the tier set, which then got removed. It was already doing like 60%-70% including buffs of a real dps in logs and now it is absolutely crap.
I think they’ve rotated through too many design interations of paladin since the original introduction of Glimmer of Light. They are completely lost on the direction of holy paladin and at this point, are letting the players and gameplay suffer just to achieve numbers balancing.
We’ve sacrificed gameplay niches for balance and homogenization, due to the inability of encounter designers to develop fights in a manner that would allow certain classes to shine on occasion.
Prime examples, Broodtwister Fury Warrior performance got their entire damage niche removed from the spec. Enhancement shaman doesn’t have anything remotely close to the funnel damage profile that it used to have after Prim Wave changes because the funnel was “too strong”. Rashan’an got hpal nerfed because stack aoe healing was something paladins COULD actually do. Remember when Temporal Anomaly for Prevokers was being targeted by the devs?
STOP removing niches. It is PERFECTLY FINE that some classes are amazing at some things, and not great at others. Let Holy Paladins be the kings of spot healing. Let resto druid top HPS. Let fury warrior top damage in heroic raid fights with low HP adds. Let Enhancement do insane ST damage via the old prim wave.
Maybe this is the fault of the new talent trees as Theun has said in his videos-- but just because we have flexibility doesn’t mean we should be able to flex completely from both extremes.
I got title in DF S3 and we didn’t have an Aug.
I still want that spec and everything about it erased from the game’s code.
The former probably not and the latter definitely. You can usually see what tuning changes they’re going to do by opening up Warcraft logs and looking at overall statistics for the raid.
Hence why we end up with some specs feeling awful and being unable to compete with others in M+ while others reign supreme for an entire season (while putting out middling raid performance so they don’t receive changes).
It actually isn’t. The player that wants to both raid and play m+ can’t have their AOE dmg suffer. They’ll never get invited to m+ keys.
That’s the funny thing. Most of the people whining about Aug, aren’t doing the best. They wouldn’t be picked in M+ and they wouldn’t get buffed in raid situations.
I see an Ehn Shaman or Ret Pally, I give buffs, which makes me look better. But Aug, as a spec, is so polarizing - it makes good specs/players shine, but can’t help garbage players look better on dps meters.
But they don’t know how to balance a Support Class, because there’s only one, so instead, they’re gutting the spec and likely gonna make it a pure AoE DPS class with higher than normal utility in their displacement skills.
This is where there is more dungeon design iteration to be done. You don’t have to suffer due to changes in aoe target caps, damage profiles, ect. It allows substantially more creativity in dungeon environments.
Consider earlier expansions-- you had some tanks that did 5-8 target consistent pulls, some tanks that had worked best doing large pulls around 3 min CD’s, and some in between. Does it matter for the absolute highest keys? Sure. But it would allow a MUCH wider class selection at the lower end.
It was and is fine to have some classes synergize better than others.
Alternatively, until we have raid buffs removed, we have some classes that just will NOT be meta.
Since the reintroduction of raid buffs, and the disaster that has been the homogenization of classes, the meta has consisted of Paladin, Priest, Druid, Evoker, Mage, and DH.
3% DR, 5% Stam, 3% damage/1.5%DR, 3%int, 3% damage, and Aug.
In case you didn’t know there are 13 classes.
I’d rather see well defined niches that are reasons to bring classes to certain dungeons, or comps with certain tanks or healers.
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Reading the replies to this thread comforts me a little bit, in knowing Warlocks aren’t the only ones being singled out by having no tuning, or otherwise asinine changes that don’t really fix anything in the long run in 11.1. Guess the lack of attention is bad across the board.
Here’s to 11.1.5, I guess.
Surely there was supposed to be a 2 at that start of that 5% or a 0 at the end of that 5%
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No nerfs to fire mage i see. Well not surprising since mage is their favorite class that’s never allowed to be bad ever.
This is not true. The meta affects the lower end too. People are less likely to invite a non meta class than a meta for a 10. Aug and shaman were the most meta classes this season and you would always see at least one of them in a group no matter the key level on a pug.
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About another 10-15% would put us in the range of tanks that aren’t prot pallies.
Yeah. I was just being silly. Personally not looking forward to another season of most of my damage being from passive procs of Moonfire and Ironfur spam. Laser bear novelty has worn off a long time ago.
I don’t believe that to be true for Aug. for most classes it’s true but for Aug, I don’t think it was.
Here we go again with unnecessary nerfs too fury again… Sigh
Blizzard if you actually care you would’ve just not nerfed us too begin with, we only bring damage with little to 0 Utility it’s the same dumb cycle you guys did with Ret paladins before they had their rework
I just think Warriors should have Lust.