Locks deserve better, in fact every spec that has been ignored deserves better.
I can already predict that dh and fire mages are meta. /yawn
Locks deserve better, in fact every spec that has been ignored deserves better.
I can already predict that dh and fire mages are meta. /yawn
So other classes get a chance to shine for once?
As a DK i have given up for meaningful changes now until possibly next xpac.
DK as a whole needs a top to bottom rework.
As it stands UHDK is walking into S2 knowing that we cannot upgrade our tier over our S1 tier until we have all 4 slots at +19 ilvl over currently equipped for it to be a very slight DPS increase.
BDK tier is useless in ST.
FDK tier atleast seems ok.
5% aura buffs do nothing for a class that is already looking like wont be required.
So an entire class should just be taken out back and not played at all? There are other classes (mage) that have been meta for almost every tier of wow’s existence, not a peep from anyone, and it’s shaping up to be another mage season. All classes should have viable comps that work for them at high levels.
Also seeing that you’re playing a warlock, I wonder if you remember how meta defining your class was in shadowlands, as in you couldn’t push keys without one in s3 and s4.
There was no need to even nerf BM that much. They were in a good spot and all they needed to do was nerf the AOE if anything. Single target/cleave wasnt even in a top spot at all so not sure why they decided that. Can we just for once stay above middle of the pack.
Disappointed with the attention locks got. No QoL improvement AT ALL!!!
no tuning for unholy dk tier is mind-boggling
Holy priest still has 7 talents for one spell. Renew is still garbage the updated prayer of healing is still not worth pressing.
I just can’t believe they’ve nerfed the worst performing tank spec.
Edit: Well, I can actually. This company is absolutely inept when it comes to changes in their games.
Hopefully this isn’t the last of the timing. Bears are so far behind in damage, druid of the claw is actually trolling.
Those are all buffs man. That is about a 10% buff to moonbear’s overall damage. Not enough to move the needle really, but its a start.
The only tank spec they nerfed was Aldrachi VDH, which was the BEST performing tank spec on PTR, so I’m thinking you might be reading things wrong.
I’d bet until the end of week 1 it will be. Hopefully bears get some more, but I wouldn’t bet on any massive changes to make DotC work until the .5 patch.
I don’t want to spend another season spamming iron fur for damage. Lunar beam feels so soft to push too.
I’m gonna play bear cuz I always play bear, but I’m really not looking forward to TWW season 1 episode 2.
Doing 4% healing for buffs for hpal and rshaman instead of trying to fix any of the spec issues. Resto has by far the most mana issues, which is not being close to be adressed with healing wave reduced cost
Blizzard - we literally cannot take precise cuts with the way the talent tree is designed
This is like 3 times now you’ve buffed it and you still don’t understand this?!?!
What is even going on with this class, my goodness.
Excellent. Just another 80% for Shifting Sands, 8% for Breath of Eons, and 10% from Close as Clutchmates to go.
Evoker honestly needs to be reworked next expansion.
Deva is… boring.
Pres feels awkward compared to other healers.
Aug is caught between too powerful or absolutely weak depending on the situation. Ironic that support spec is almost designed to be hated by the specs it is meant to buff.
Empowered spells are either use level 1 or max and work terrible with macros. Rather have them as a spell with a cast time.
Why do you keep buffing precise cuts…? No one uses this.
If you’re trying to persuade more people to take this talent then, I don’t know, maybe MOVE THE TALENT SOMEWHERE ELSE.
Oh great another season where I can’t get a M+ group cuz my BM hunter got nerfed. Thanks Blizz. You guys sure want us to quit this game don’t you? Do you honestly think nerfing BM and Warrior dps is gonna make season 2 great? Nerf Shaman instead and give us BM hunters and Warriors back our dps.
While I don’t disagree, Blizzard is not paying bear attention this go around and until they actually bother with us, I don’t expect anything to change.
If they can give us a bit more aura buffing we will be at least effective enough to not be tossed out.