Additional Class Updates for Undermine(d)

It’s nice that hpal is getting a buff but I’m not sure a 4% aura buff is the answer to their problems :confused:


Tier sets are designed by a different team than the combat design team… for uh, reasons.


I’m not gonna say too much about this, but this super frustrating. Warriors have spent the last two and half years (Basically since 10.1) talking about how poor our utility is in comparison to other classes. Yet classes like Shaman and Mage have tons more utility (And less restrictive utility) than Warriors, but get to keep their high damage profiles as well.

I sincerely hope that this gets revered, or we’re told of plans that make us not an embarrassing class to take to Mythic + unless our damage is sky high. Cuz I’m really tired of not having utility and re-rolling another character shouldn’t be the answer.


So you guys are gutting Augmentation so it’s unplayable, and then not fixing the issues with devastation so people can actually play that as a viable option in keys. Why? What issue does invalidating an entire class solve?


They want you to play preservation more.


Good. Nerf Aug into the ground. Give the other geckos a chance to play.

Aug can sit in the dust bin for a few patches.


It’s a clunky healing spec in keys and is only played if it’s overtuned


The other evoker specs are not good either. Aug was literally hte only reason evokers had representation in keys at all. If they actually fixed the issues that made dev bad in keys I would be fine with it, but they didn’t do that. They just killed the entire class instead.


Without nerfing Aug into the ground, none of the fixes you would like will ever happen, because Aug is suffocating that class.


Appreciate the bear buffs. It isn’t a lot, but its something.

Really hope we can see some real work on bear in the 11.1.5 patch.

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Why, though? The removal of Rapture wasn’t enough? I wonder if this basically forces not only Oracle but forgetting that the bottom right side of the spec tree exists.


It actually isn’t. M+ is the only end game pillar where aug is the most represented - dev is far more popular in raid and pvp. Evoker is also the least represented class in the game. Evoker (aug specifically) was almost exclusively played by high level players. This statement is just parroted by content creators that were tired of playing the spec. But congrats, we’re getting yet another mage meta tier instead!


Is that all? At the very least, you need to revert the nerf to Beacon of Virtue. The Paladin’s AoE healing is really bad.


Guys guys, stop stressing, its ok, we gona fix everything on 11.1.5 like we always have in previous patches!!!

And warrior needs another nerf, its making too much rage!!!


Are these really necessary? You’ve got a class with next to no utility compared to other specs higher than it’s current PTR performance yet they’re untouched by comparison? What utility warrior can take too isn’t even in reach due to how you’ve not fixed their class tree at all and it still has way too many mandatory points to spend in gaining throughput increases that are not worth losing for utility while other classes have plenty of free points to spend as they choose.

Have you forgotten the whole point of balancing where specs with minimal utility should be doing the most damage to make up for it?

I’m aware that 5% isn’t much of a nerf to their damage profiles of the builds that warriors will be using in the new season and should still perform well, but this just seems questionable after multiple rounds of targeted buffs and not even overshooting the top at all.

EDIT: Also not a single bit of SV packleader tuning to bridge the cap to making it a viable option over Sentinel is disappointing. Step your game up blizz, this aint it chief.


Guess they feel they absolutely nailed Holy Priest in the first build and now never have to look at it again.

Could you try to deliver on the stated goal of making PoH and Renew worth casting? Neither of them are there yet.


The aura buffs begin :joy:



I suppose I’ll shelve warrior and hunter and keep playing paladin. Hunter did not need the nerf. Warrior nerfing is just a joke.

Honestly though… SoD is way more fun than retail for me right now.


What I am going to write isn’t fair.

With this message I hope to show how frustrated, how disappointed, and how saddened Warlocks are right now, and I believe this issue is shared among many other classes who feel ignored during this PTR cycle.

Months of feedback provided by multiple different people, feedback who accumulates itself across a long list since the Beta of TWW, all figuratively threw in the paper shredder.

To see now that the only thing to be addressed is the incredibly undertuned single target potency of affliction is a slap in the face.

Truthfully i had expectations with 11.1 PTR, it started well enough, some solid initial changes, drain life finally would be effective again, improvements to Demonology talents and some interesting ideas in the tierset.

All ignored with no further iteration, Affliction tierset is a mess, Destruction Tierset is still bugged with only different variations of what the bug is across the weeks of PTR, bugs from Dragonflight and TWW beta still exist, the list of issues goes on but i don’t want to list them all, have done this in other posts.

And truth is, Warlocks aren’t the only one complaining, i would bet that people are ending 11.1 PTR much more frustrated with their class design than they started 11.1 PTR.

I won’t act like I understand the inner struggles Blizzard development ave or why things are the way they are, but I hope that in the future you all do better.

Cordially, Malacat.


A 66% nerf to subtlety’s 4pc bonus and very odd compensatory buffs feels like an overshoot with no real aim, which is quite disheartening. 6% Rupture buff across the board is perplexing, Thousand Cuts ‘slightly’ buffed even though we have no idea what’s under the hood as far as behavior goes and have zero way of knowing when a reset occurs until we press Backstab/Strike, a 100% buff to Surprising Strikes (we’re a finisher spec, its our literal Mastery) feels very out of place. A nerf was expected to our 4pc, but to get nuked from orbit feels pretty heavy-handed. I’m hoping these changes get revisited because the general direction of these notes is pretty confusing.

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