Additional Adjustment to Lightning Breath

I told you and you keep going . Let him get more attention .

The fix is not a nerf so its not over powered, its a nerf so that the pets are UNUSABLE! Complete crap.


I post mainly while at work and have nothing else to do. You’ve spent how many days whining about procs existing in WoW? Get a grip.

It should be pretty obvious what’s going to happen. Whatever ends up being the next best will be nerfed.

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Wow, you guys really threw in the towel on this one, didn’t you?

At this rate, why not just offer hunters a free 25 boost in exchange for deleting their hunters? That way you don’t have to stress over balancing hunters, and everyone will just reroll priests and warriors like the good old days. Win win for everyone!


Remove the deadzone? Boo this man! Booo!

Good luck with that. They barely want to give people free hours of game time when the hamster servers have issues.

This company is one of the greediest gaming companies around. Hopefully things change once Microsoft takes notice in their evil ways. All evil people work at Blizzard, that’s the #1 thing people have to realize. These people aren’t our friends and couldn’t care less about us.

i second this. the deadzone makes classic hunter not cat barf

Which exploit will hunters discover next in Season of Discovering broken hunter abilities.

Maybe bring up the other ability’s in the same rune as the bm one so that we have more options rather then just send pet in and auto.

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the person has no idea how to play their class just ignore them

Welcome to Season of you must use aspect of the lion…
oh sorry “heart of the lion”. “new choices to change how your class plays” — lmao
I agree the pets needed a nerf but I just don’t see this as a amicable way forward, but hey what am I to do other than go level another pet that will surely be nerfed next. I know every one will always hate hunters and i am fine living in that world.

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for pve aspect of the lion actually has been worse than master marksman this entire time and if you have been using it unless forced to you have been doing it wrong.

edit: even with bm

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Yeah let’s nerf healers so even less people want to play them. Then we can all just sit around in Org / Ironforge until we eventually die of boredom.

Blizzard, just admit it.
You don’t want ‘outliers’ in the game, unless they are -any class- but hunters.
You are beyond prejudice against them.
Yes, it’s phase 1.
But you are already nerfing the class into the ground, which means when other phases come around they will fall even farther- because that’s what happens to the class in the classic setting.
It falls off because it does not scale.
Just admit it, it’s all clearly detailed here in your ‘hot-fixes’…
You release a new version of the game, with ‘new’ and ‘exciting’ ways to play and do different things with the class.
And instead of us being able to, we are faced with nerf after nerf after nerf, and changes to make us either play a spec that doesn’t work(pure melee) or make us have to melee weave, which also doesn’t work due to the dreaded dead zone that while you redo everything still remains.
Seems the real discovery in this season is prejudice against hunters.


gets into raid, raid leader why are you not aspect on the lion

I was minding my own business ganking in ratchet when this hunter had the audacity to start auto attacking me. Like any skilled player, I immediately keyturned and tried to backpedal to safety. He then proceeded to MOVE FORWARD (???) and continue auto attacking me.

With absolutely no other alternative, I started mashing my keyboard and spamming my /spit macro. Unfortunately, even my 2k elo arena strats were not enough to overcome his right click abuse.

This is really concerning, because with the BM nerfs hunters will now resort to other forms of toxic gameplay sabotage like speccing MM and using their bow to do damage instead of their pet.

There is truly no end to their insidious depravity.


Attention hunters, it has come to our attention that you have been using pets that aren’t a cat in a Vanilla-server. That is unacceptable and goes against hunter tradition.



play master marksman and have them ree on the forums for you

Great change, totally unacceptable for hunter pets to be doing that much damage.