Additional Adjustment to Lightning Breath

Screenshots vs warriors and rogues or this didnt happen.

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This basically hits hunter in SOD so far.

Screw this. I’m done with you guys.


Holy crap the devs have absolutely no idea what they’re doing with hunters and their pets. Rather than taking the literally only active choice you have as a BM hunter (ie, timing KC with big hitting pet specials while de-activating bite so it doesn’t accidentally consume them instead), maybe just scale it better so it’s inline with other offensive CDs with other classes? I want to micromanage my pet to max our collective damage…that’s at least interesting and different than before.

Instead, you’ve literally just distilled BM hunter back down to the exact same experience as Era.

That wouldn’t be so bad if MM wasn’t just subpar and Melee didn’t compete with other better melees.

To be clear, I do not care that dps is being lost – I care that you’re changing it what feels like daily and taking away active choices and distilling them back down to autoshots.


Marksmen and Melee Hunter are the #1 and 3 specs in the game. Rogue is 2. They are doing great.

This really should happen it’s bad design. I also would like to propose that they add a new rune called - Power Shot. A short range Bow/Gun blast that can be used in melee range.

Really hope this fixes pets nuking everyone while being 80 yards away out of danger.

Can I just ask why hunter is getting getting tuned down so much when they don’t have a single rank 1 parse in BFD? Are these changes that need to happen for PVP’s sake?

Was leveling a hunter slowly but after this roller coaster I think ill just give SOD a pass.


Anecdotal and not universally true. I can tell you from experience MM is garbage right now for the average geared player.

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Whilst I don’t disagree that pets are broken, we aren’t being compensated in a way that fundamentally makes us more fun or interesting, and no, Melee Hunter isn’t interesting or fun either. Explosive Shot was gutted and now feels awful to press. Chimera Shot is extremely underwhelming. Kill Command isn’t really useful anymore because of all the pet nerfs. We just bring Lion, and auto attack.

We play exactly like era now. Why don’t we just delete the entire class at this point? So far it’s just Season of Discovering why blizzard hates hunters.


Ok my thoughts , you just killed the only flavor hunters had which was pets Scorpids where countered by anti poison or root , dwarf passive,

Wind serpents could be feared or polymorph ,

There is counter play hunters have always been op in these brackets but then the scaling is bad endgame , after this change hunters will be terrible , or guess what people will just get a cat worth fast attack speed for PvP it won’t change anything but then cats will be nerfed,

I mean blizz just needs to accept they don’t know how to balance and already op class at this bracket so their solution is to nerf until no one wants to play hunt since hunts will become useless .


You mean discovering the entire playerbase besides hunters hate hunters.

When literally everyone is telling you your pets are broken AF and you just plug your ears and scream no they are not.


Reading isn’t your strong suit, when I open with:

But good try.


Brother it’s not about that, understand pets and hunters are still op even with this nerfs it’s about hunter being op at this bracket and people being forced to play at level 25 vs the most op class people that have never twinned have zero idea.

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You’re not listening. It’s not that pets were broken, it’s that they’re making the class less fun to play by bringing the playstyle back to Era by reworking how the abilities are working. They did it to explosive shot, they did it to chimera, now they just did it to KC. They’ve literally reworked the entire SoD experience for hunters and everything new they’ve added to SoD is now nerfed to the point that we’re back to autoshots with bite+claw cats.


I want to play a pet that doesn’t use claw or bite spam cause that’s just how it has always been .


Yep, blizzard is so stupid.


yes removing abilites is a much easier for Blizzard (not better) to fix hunters actually doing well in p1. Hunters will be at the bottom of the DPS charts in 40/60 so yeah please stop justifying nerfs when you are clueless to how hunter plays in Classic.


Just watched a video going over the changes addressing the underperformers.

BFD ranks
#1 MM Hunter
#2 Rogue
#3 Melee Hunter
#4 Feral Druid
#5 Warrior

Then it’s Pally and poor Casters. Pets do more overall damage than many specs and when Pet damage is busted it makes the game unplayable for others. The problem is Pets and adjustments need to keep happening till they aren’t ruining gameplay.

Pet design has always been bad and they should focus on having them bring Utility/Buff to the hunter/party. With that said I’m okay with them to continue Hunter design and adding more flavor to hunter. Removing dead zone and other things.

What do you mean they haven’t made the changes yet? Didn’t the pet damage changes go live with the hotfix this very thread is about?

You don’t need to be compensated at level 25. What needs to happen is the balance lever of pets needs to be fixed now and then they can adjust Hunters as necessary before we get to the real content of the game.

This streamer doesn’t know what he’s talking about Rogues and Warriors are above hunters and haven’t received a single nerf. THEY EVEN BUFFED ROGUES. Blizzard employee must be playing a rogue and died to a hunter in pvp… this is actually outrageous.