Additional Adjustment to Lightning Breath

Can we look into rogue and warrior damage in PVE while we are handing out nerfs? Also warlock in pvp, maybe priest healing as well.


So its fine like i said.

Theres a lot of time where serpent sits below 50focus and they could use bite.

Unfortunately the 10 sec CD might be rough because KC only lasts 30 seconds.

So at most you’d get 2 bites off.

Optimal play would get you all 3.

This will happen with stacking 7 of anything, 7 priests, 7 pallies, 7 mages, 7 warlocks, makes no sense to use this arguement.


Breakdown of current Hunter rune options:

Aspect of the Lion - Our only viable rune.
Master Marksman - 5% crit. Good rune < Lion
Lone Wolf - You don’t do any damage with any of your ranged abilties aside from Auto Shot and 15s Chimera Shot < Lion
Cobra Strikes - Your pets do no damage so their crits do no damage and the interaction of their crits with Kill Command now does no damage.
Kill Command - AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :couch_and_lamp:
Sniper Training - Stand still for 6s so your “shot abilities” might crit. Useful :couch_and_lamp:
Serpent Spread - No idea why this even exists.
Flanking Strike - Does less damage than an Auto Shot.
Beast Mastery - If your pet does damage, people will complain :couch_and_lamp:
Chimera Shot - Nerfed because if you let a DoT sit on your for 15s this ability might do damage; oh and you oom now.
Explosive Shot - Nice! Useless outside of AoE!
Carve - Refer to Flanking Strike.


was it now on crusader strike? I was there I think, 6 hunters, 3 priest and a druid, not fair lmao

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Still good!
Hunter class still on the top dps metters.

implying hunters have not been the most stacked class due to their overpowered pets from the beginning

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ya i love sitting there, drinking my soda, laying back as my character shoots its bow :heart_eyes_cat:


That’s the one!

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they were done work for the day so they probably just got rid of it completely for a few days bc lazy, they didn’t think through the cost of lightning breath/bite and how you can’t even get all abilities off before kill command is over with, especially in pvp you’d have to live all 30 seconds in like wsg


Rework KC so it can be use with bite better.

So of the 13 unique pet skills the rune works for exactly 2?

May as well just delete the rune at this point.

SoD hunter doesnt play much different from an Era hunter… we just push our two buttons until we oom within the first minute of the fight.

I do love watching my auto-shots tick.


Still top DPS Blizz - better nerf us some more!

Better be safe blizz just remove our pets and if we try to tame anything make the mob insta kill us.


We’re level 25. It is much easier (and better) to fix the Pet issue then fix Hunters at-large with Runes at 40/60 + additional adjustments. Stop whining.

Time for sniper training or Flanking Strike i guess.

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So hunter is basically classic era hunter now, 0 runes that do anything for us. Have to use the same pet as classic because our best rune only buffs 2 out of 13 pet abilities(KEKW). None of our other runes add ANYTHING. Guess all I’m discovering this phase is nerfs


this is exactly how it was in classic. they put all their thought into locks, mages, warriors, and had no idea how classes scaled at each bracket they made up.

hunter nerfs need to be rolled back by 60.


Luckily I predicted this nerf and have already started training a wolf.

Wow. Just wow. Too bad I just renewed my 6-mo sub for SoD.

Hey, Blizzard, here’s an idea for you. Instead of nerfing hunters, why not try bringing the underperformers up?